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DMT paste help

Hey everyone, I wanted to get your guys opinion and why you do it that way but I have a spare leather strip and I’m thinking of using my dmt .50 paste on it but not sure where I should apply it. Should I apply it on the rough side or smooth side. What are your guys opinions and why.
Try it on both sides.
Why? Because then you will know for yourself which way was best for you.

Someone else's experiences with a different razor, using different pastes, different amounts of the paste, on different leather, will not be the same.

For example, at one time I was getting best results with Hand American .5 and .25 mono-crystalline diamond spray on the rough side of a dyed long nap nubuck hide.

The blades were mostly half-hollow Sheffields honed to 5k on synths first.

Same razors, same honing, using diamond pastes of same particle sizes, not sure of crystalline structure but probably polycrystalline, I preferred using cotton webbing.
It's a big YMMV thing...
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