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Crystal Deoderant at Wal Mart??

Does anyone know if Wal Mart carries a crystal deoderant, especially the Potassium Alum version?

My alum block crumbled last night so I am in need of another one, but don't have many GNC or big grocers nearby, none that I have time to drive to tonight at any rate.
Haven't seen it there.

I haven't noticed it before, but was never specifically searching for it... I had wondered if there was any chance it could be in the Burt's Bees/Tom's of Maine shelf rather than the main area...
Alternatively then, can anyone tell me the brand names of any Potassium versions and where they can be most easily found (brick & mortar that is)?
I looked at some stores this weekend with no luck. Another member had mentioned that GNC carries it but you have to get the Sport version because the others have the ammonium alum. I did not find it at my local GNC. Hopefully this helps.
See if you have any 'good foods' or 'natural foods' stores around, the ones that are 'green friendly' - they will have it.
I might try a Dierberg's grocery store. We have a large one that has an organic food aisle. They could have it..

What about Walgreens or CVS? No luck there either?
The Walgreens in northern Illinois carry both the solid rock and the roll-on crystal deodorants. The solid rock version contains ammonium alum and the roll-on contains potassium alum.
Thanks, I may have to check a Walgreens.

I found a site for the Thai deoderant that implies that it is indeed potassium alum, making me think "mineral salts" may be a safer sounding name for potassium alum..

It also indicates that the block version of the Thai is 5.5 oz, which would make it a very good buy for an alum block considering the prices you see them going for from the high end companies...

If you have a Vitamin Shoppe near you, they carry it - potassium alum in a block deodorant. They just opened a store near me, but I'm not sure which states they are in.
ok, I researched the HELL out of this......crystal only makes one product that isnt Ammonium alum........and it is the big 9 ounce bar made of potassium alum. That is the only one that doesn't come from thailand...it comes from france...........you can buy it on the crystal site..or by calling them....I called them and bitched about shipping and they sent it to me for me....12.50 for a 255 gram(9 ounce) bar....good deal if you can get the free shipping......heres the site......

I found a site for the Thai deoderant that implies that it is indeed potassium alum, making me think "mineral salts" may be a safer sounding name for potassium alum..

In general just because a deodorant stone is labeled "mineral salts" does not automatically imply that it is potassium alum. I too spent a good deal of time searching the local pharmacies, health foods stores, etc, etc, etc for a local supply of alum. I found that number of these deodorant stones are labeled Natural Mineral Salts (Ammonium alum) or something very similar indicating ammonium alum.

Luckily, I found a sport version of the TCCD stone at a local GNC (Tracy mentioned this earlier in the thread).

Good luck!
yes, I saw that sport version, but when I called the company to make sure of the ingredients(making sure its not ammonium alum), it was just a big hassle....and they are near me in florida.....neighboring city...........Plus, why pay 6.95 for a 3 ounce bar, when you can get a 9 for less than double........like I said, call Crystal......order the 9 ouncer, ***** about the shipping and I'm sure they will send it to you no problem.....if you can, ask to talk to the only woman who works there, her name is something add like alfie or something......she is the one who gave me free shipping just yesterday.....

EDIT: OK, I just looked at their site and it actually does say Mineral salts and then in parenthesis(potassium alum)...I didnt notice that......so I guess that is a cheaper option to go with if you have a gnc near by that carries it, but the sport model also is not 100% mineral salts because they add Aloe Vera.......something else to consider......I would still check this out before you make another purchase and I already called and verified with crystal that this large bar is from france and not thailand........so it is for sure potash alum.....

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