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Contest - this is no April Fools!


A new contest with a fun idea: Tell us an April Fools prank that you have either heard about, have done to someone else, or had done to you. There will be three winners chosen and each one will receive a $50.00 credit to shop in our store right here! This is CONUS only please.

For grins I thought I would share one that I came up with but was never sprung.

We had an amazing employee who is a high school student. She actually ran Captain's Choice for over two weeks while we were out of the country. Yes, seriously. She had to stop working for us due to school obligations, college visits, etc. With her graduation approaching I ran this idea past the principal. He was all for it and couldn't wait to do his part.

The deal is that I would write a letter that the principal would then transfer onto his letterhead. Then it would be mailed to her home from the high school - it would come from his office. The essence of the letter would be that during a routine audit of the academic standards it was revealed that some of the teachers that this student has had were not certified to teach. There were two in her grade school and two in her middle school. Because of that and to maintain the well deserved reputation that the school system is known for it would be necessary for her to repeat those four years of school.

So she would need to return and sit through second grade and fourth grade in her old grade school. Then she would need to go to her middle school and sit through sixth and eighth grade again. Only then would she be able to graduate from high school. At the end of the letter it would mention that, of course, she would be able to continue working for Captain's Choice during this time. After all, it was The Captain that wrote this letter.
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"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Excellent idea Captain! My Dad LOVED April Fool's Day. He got more people over the years. I'll have to try to remember one or three!
Back when I was an IT guy, they hired a new person to man the helpdesk. I called him up and said the ethernet was running low on ether and they should order some more to pump it back up. I took pity on him and told him it was a joke after he'd spent about 15 minutes trying to find someplace he could order the stuff.
So she would need to return and sit through second grade and fourth grade in her old grade school. Then she would need to go to her middle school and sit through sixth and eighth grade again. Only then would she be able to graduate from high school. At the end of the letter it would mention that, of course, she would be able to continue working for Captain's Choice during this time. After all, it was The Captain that wrote this letter.
You're crueler than you look, Scott! :devil:
A friend asked me to look after his house in the mountains while he was recovering from heart surgery at his daughter’s house out of state. Not only did I do that; but I borrowed his flock of pink plastic flamingos from his yard and took them to town. We dinned at the river cafe, visited parks and places he cared about and the flock was set up on the front grass of the local court house (across the street from the police station). Of course I took pictures and wrote a letter (as animal control) regarding the escaped flock and how he was responsible and sent the letter and pictures to him while he was recovering. Then returned the flock back to his house in the mountains.

This was actually sprung.
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"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
A friend asked me to look after his house in the mountains while he was recovering from heart surgery at his daughter’s house out of state. Not only did I do that; but I borrowed his flock of pink plastic flamingos from his yard and took them to town. We dinned at the river cafe, visited parks and places he cared about and the flock was set up on the front grass of the local court house (across the street from the police station). Of course I took pictures and wrote a letter regarding the escaped flock and how he was responsible and sent the letter and pictures to him while he was recovering. Then returned the flock back to his house in the mountains.

This was actually sprung.
Perfection! I hope he enjoyed the prank my friend.


I shaved a fortune
My favorite April Fool's joke was pulled on me.. by my wife. I was a carpenter at the time... I came home from work, sweaty and tired... and my wife had an ice cold coke waiting for me.. I guzzled it all the way down.. You know how it is.. you don't really taste it until that last swallow. She had used food coloring to duplicate the color of coke... it was just plain water. I did laugh quite a bit over that one... She got me... I didn't ever realize it wasn't carbonated until that last gulp.
Sounds like a fun idea for a PIF. I look forward to reading all the Aprils fools jokes. I have had some pulled on me we well as having pulled some on others... I mean some were just standard ones that the kids have "pulled on me" and that I have pulled on them like the ones about no spring breaks or summer vacation but then there were some I can't remember right now. I did have someone once pull a prank on me trying to convince me that they were from the DOD and that there had been problems with my Army discharge and that as such I was still in and needed to report to my duty station. I didn't find out it was a prank until AFTER I had already gotten my haircut back into regulations but that was okay because I needed a haircut anyway..... BTW , Thanks for putting on another one of these PIFS ......
I live my life joking or pranking people, have been at it since the SECOND GRADE. I was in new school because we move. Day two I get thing idea, and at recess I tell a bunch of First & Second Graders when we get call for the ASSEMBLY late in the DAY it is for Shots, or Injections. Producing a folded piece of paper I say this is my excuse note for my mother, and I will not have to get SHOTS.

Let's say when they called assembly to Cafatourium some kids were more then up set. Crying etc. Person who stated RUMOR ME NEW Principal, and got lecture. Loved the prank.

Principle and me were fimular with one another.
When I was in school I used to help others "set up" fake injuries because I have always been pretty good with special effects and we would make it look like other kids had compound fractures and major bleeds and whatnot.... The teachers eventually got a kick out of some of them due to their realism.... It was fun but we Always would make sure the faculty knew if someone really got hurt that it was real so they didn't really get mad about our little "pranks" , I mean we didn't want real injuries to be ignored....
This was unplanned and not meant to be a prank but it happened in April.

I was living in the dorms my first year at University and I was also learning to play flute. Flute pads get sticky and the best "fix" for sticky pads is to press the pad down on a fresh cigarette rolling paper to clean off the stickiness. So I had a pack of rolling papers on my desk - This was 1972. And I liked peppermint tea so I had a baggie of dried peppermint leaves on my desk. Someone must have seen it on my desk and called the police because I got a knock on the door and the police came in saying "we hear you've been smoking a little pot up here" and I looked at my desk and realized right away what must have happened and said "You've caught me red handed!" and handed over the baggie to them. They sniffed it and said "What the F is this?!?" I told them "That's Panama Mint! That's some gooood $hiiit right there! Wanna get high?" They got pretty mad at me. No sense of humor. So I explained that it's peppermint tea and showed them I had a little electric pot and a tea strainer and a cup on my desk as well. And I showed them my flute and how I use the papers to clean the pads. They weren't buying any of it and were still mad and proceeded to search my room for about an hour before they finally left without getting to make the big bust they had hoped for.


On the lookout for a purse
Love the contest. Despise pranks. Life is hard enough without people messing with each other.


I got moves like Jagger
My home province of Newfoundland joined Canada in the late hours of March 31, 1949. Given that documents were signed in Ottawa, Ontario, the time zone difference (1.5 hrs) meant it was actually April Fool's Day in Newfoundland!

BTW since I am in Canada, .... not in!
We printed up voice activated signs for all our copiers at work complete with official logos. It was a pretty fun morning watching everyone progressively raising their voices trying to get the machines to accept their commands. Highly recommend 😂
It was before I was married, so it had to be sometime around 2000. Remember Miss Cleo the "psychic" who had all those cheesy tv commercials? Someone had developed a sound board of her based off of the different commercials on a website. I mapped out a few different conversation paths and called up my now wife-then girlfriend (the incredibly lucky lady in my avatar). Home phones, so no caller id. I timed it so that her folks most likely wouldn't be home.

My wife is from a very conservative background and any claims of spiritual abilities are met with stern disdain. My wife is a very sweet, kind, and soft spoken person, but you should have heard that blast furnace tempter explode when the vile Miss Cleo called her and attempted the fraud! This horrid con artist dared to seek her out! This was an assault she could not abide. The lambasting this charlatan received was one for the ages. I, of course, could not withhold my laughter and the game was soon discovered. I thought it was hilarious. She, not so much. Oh well, I still got the girl and still make her laugh---just not about this incident.

Edited...I reminded her about this and played a few sounds from a soundboard. I did get a slight smile, but also a stern finger wagging.
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Multilingual Beer
I was stationed in S. Korea at camp Gary Owen/Pelham. The barracks were rough and each room was 2 maybe 3 guys max. One roommate I was in basic and ait with had a huge sweet tooth and he always would eat candy bars etc of other people occasionally. Nothing huge and he would buy new ones but it was annoying. So I wrapped a huge bar of chocolate exlax in a Hershey bar wrapper. Eventually I walked in and he sitting there eating it and started laughing apologizing. I started laughing while he kept eating, then asked him to read the actual candy bar. He lost it and said he would be ok and we laughed it off.........then he crapped for like 2 hours straight. If you ain't Scouts you ain't ****. Cav all the way.
At the following link is one of the best April Fools pranks I've seen in a long time....

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