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Cheap Beer

Come to think of it, does anybody here remember Billy Beer? It seemed to be relabeled Red White and Blue beer, tasted the same. Not that it's a good thing either way.
College years: Cumberland's $1 mystery beers and you always got an Iron City Beer, Olympia, or a Keystone.

Natty Light
and the Schafer!!!

Modelo is not a cheap beer.
I'm not ashamed in any way to admit that my beer of choice is Budweiser. Not light, select, dry, or any other variation.

Just plain bud.

Ice cold.

If you haven't tried it lately, give it a shot.

The only time I don't drink Bud is when I travel. Then I go local.

I like Bud also but I haven't been able to find the Czech version here.

Over here, cheap is Stella or Hoegaerden. But I actually prefer Cristal or Delhaize (-Food Lion)'s home brand 'premium pils'. Palm is a great affordable amber beer. Special 'dobbel Palm' for Christmas. :biggrin:


What I use when I'm in the UK and want to get loaded.

Note that "use" is the appropriate word. That stuff is as strong as a drug.
Come to think of it, does anybody here remember Billy Beer? It seemed to be relabeled Red White and Blue beer, tasted the same. Not that it's a good thing either way.

I remember Billy Beer. It was made by Stroh's. It may have been psychological, but I never could lose an impression of motor oil when I drank it (Billy Carter was a gas station attendant). Which wasn't very often. :rolleyes:

Busch Light is pretty much the cheap party beer of choice in Clemson. I stay away from the stuff unless I'm playing drinking games. I would never want to chug good beer.:biggrin:
Leinenkugel's is about as cheap as I can stand to go. I just can not drink anything coming out of Milwaukee or St. Louis. I'm fortunate enough that the Leinenkugel brewery in Chippewa Falls, WI is only about 45 minutes away from me, so it's always plentiful and cheap. Two of my favorites are the Sunset Wheat and Apple Spice. Standard fare, though, is usually whatever imported lager that piques my interest at the liquor store. However after swearing off of ales for the past few years, I'm re-acquiring my taste for them :w00t: . Thank God...I was missing out. Oh yeah, and anything coming out of a micro-brewery is definately a good thing and a step in the right direction.

Sorry, I know this thread was about "cheap" beers, but I have to throw out a plug for my #1 all-time favorite, which would be any number of the Weißbiers, aka Hefeweizens, coming out of Southern Germany.
I must admit that my usual choice is MGD. It agrees with me more than any other cheap beers. I don't buy Coors on principle, but I'll drink it if it's free. I also love Tecate (in a can only). The worst beer I've ever had was when I lived in New Orleans. Dixie. Ugh. After moving up north, I really miss Abita Golden. I have to ask for all of you who live in the West. What is with the microbrew thing? I despise Fat Tire and most New Belgian beers.

I was waiting all year for Spaten's Oktoberfest, but I couldn't find it here.

Drink on!
They key to cheap beer, in my mind, is that it be ice cold. Actually...maybe even a little colder than that.

In the summer, my guilty pleasure is PBR or Schlitz. In the winter, my 6-packs run about $8....but in the summer- a five spot will give me change. :001_smile
my pseudo-cheap fave is RR.
my best cheapo beer find was about 7 years ago. cases of 24 Old Milwaukee's going for .......3.99... almost all summer long. my brother and uncles and I were drinking em' like water. If you put it down for a minute, you just drain poured it and grabbed a fresh one.

those days are long gone though. When I am brewing my own, I can get the price down to Budweiser pricing. And that is brewing some outstanding tasty beer. Now, if they only had U-brews in the Philippines.....like this, *sniff*, *sniff*
I can't forget a nod to an old Upstate NY favorite Genesee Beer. Back in my college days we used to pick up Genessee Summer Brew 30 packs for $8.99. Great stuff.

Although please stay away from Genessee Cream Ale in the green can. You have been warned.

Ahh, Screamers! Brings back my college days. But the gas those things brought on, wow!
I love Genny Cream - though just in the bottle. I've never had a can. I actually love it so much that I had my beer store order it for me.

My other cheapie fave is Lone Star Light in a can. 24 pack is like $10.
I have to ask for all of you who live in the West. What is with the microbrew thing? I despise Fat Tire and most New Belgian beers.

I enjoy the 1554 quite a bit. As for the microbrew thing...read the other thread regarding favorite beers and give some a shot. Maybe New Belgium isn't to your liking but there are alot of great Breweries out there.
Tall boy Bud is my favorite. Prefer the tall boys to regular cans and bottles for some reason.

Also like Icehouse, but have a hard time finding it in less than 30 packs, and I don't go through beer quickly enough to buy that many.
I can't forget a nod to an old Upstate NY favorite Genesee Beer. Back in my college days we used to pick up Genessee Summer Brew 30 packs for $8.99. Great stuff.

Although please stay away from Genessee Cream Ale in the green can. You have been warned.

HA! Mike... you are soooooo right about Genny Cream! I have to admit, I was offered a beer at a friend's house, while I lived in Rochester. He poured it into a glass, so I didn't see what kind of beer it was... although, I remembered the taste. It had been years since I had a Genny Cream. I have to tell you... one wasn't bad, and I actually enjoyed it! However, I know all too well the effects of over-indulgence!

I've been on a self-imposed carb-reduction plan for the past three years. I enjoy a beer now and then, but I just don't want to look the part any longer.

There are a few decent low-carb beers out there that actually taste good:

Michelob Ultra Amber
Michelob Ultra
Rolling Rock "Green Light"
Heinekin Light
Beck's Light

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