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Campsite shaving

If you shave while in the woods you will find the ticks. Finding the ticks makes it hard to sleep knowing you are prime tick-bait.
Best to go blissfully unaware until you get home in the shower and do a full-on tick search and destroy mission. Cause guess what; they are there, you just haven't found them yet.
When I worked at a Boy Scout camp, we had to report to the flag ceremony at 07:00 sharp ready for the day, and that meant being showered and clean-shaven (11th point of the Scout Law: A Scout is clean). Except we did not have any hot water at this camp: none (we added in our own 13th point to the Scout Law: A Scout is not a wimp). Showers were always ice-cold in the morning, so our only choice was to shave cold. That's probably the subject for a post unto itself, but I loved my cold-water shave at 6:45 in the morning.

That being said, camping is camping. I think you should spend time in the great outdoors, get a little dust under your fingernails, smoke a pipe/cigar, drink a little beer/wine/bourbon, and come home with the bark still on. That shower and shave on Sunday will feel absolutely amazing!
That's not camping.
That's a Motel-6 on wheels.

Probably cleaner and a nicer bed than Motel-6 :biggrin:

no bed bugs, but wet dog :thumbup:

You might want to look at this:


I have the Merkur Travel razor, a Vulfix Super Badger Travel brush in a tube, and a Mama Bear's shave stick. They take up next to no room and don't weigh much. You need a mirror and hot water too.
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