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Bowdens Wedge restoration attempt

I'll start by saying: as usual I started working on this because I got bored and just picked it up when there wasn't anything good on tv.....so I have no "before pictures" :001_rolle

But it's a 4/8" Bowdins Wedge that originally had a square point with about an 1/8" nick out of the toe of the blade and a fair amount of corrosion.

I decided to leave this one a bit weathered looking instead of taking it all down to bare, shiny metal. All hand sanded: 400, 600, 1000

To fix the tip I was going to just take off the rest of the tip and keep it a square point cut to where it broke, but I decided to try giving it a nice little curve instead. I'm trying to decide if I like it subtle like this, or if I should round it out some more....opinions welcome :thumbup1:

A scanner image to show the shape, but makes the scratches and coloring look WAY worse than they are:

The real look of the blade is more like this, a very satin finish:

And a better shot of the tip, I made the curve just by holding some sandpaper to a small glass bottle I had nearby, then smoothed it into the spine as evenly as I could while keeping it on a hard surface to avoid rounding the edges too much:

there's just a couple edges at the tip that need minor touch up once I decide if I'm happy with the shape (like pic #2 you can see I hit it at an angle just above the center of the end). Next step is scales of course, but maybe also a decent light box and a better camera lol

oh, and if anyone has any info on the blade, I'd love to hear it. I've seen a couple of these around and the logos always look a little different, can it be dated by that?
My compliments on the toe work. Tastefully done! I've a Bowdens Wedge as well and would love to know more about them too. Nice shaver!
thanks! I was thinking subtle because of the sort of rounded square end on the spine. I didn't change the shape of that corner, but looking at the pics it needs just a touch of smoothing out too

it came from a lot of 5 pretty beat up blades (at least 2 complete throw aways, but it was cheap enough to not be bothered by that), so I have no idea about how it shaves yet LOL
thanks guys....i guess subtle was the right way to go on this one then :blush:
hoping to finish it up this weekend, then on to my first set of scales :thumbup:
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