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Best Body Soaps?

Thanks for the info on psoriasis soaps. I have it too and it gets pretty flaky in the winter with the dry air and less sunlight. Grandpa's Pine Tar is pretty good but I don't care for the smell.
On a different note, has anybody tried Magno? How does it work and smell? Somebody gave me some years ago when they returned from Spain. I don't remember much about it.

I also suffer from psoriasis and winter is the tough season. I have been using Cornhuskers lotion to moisturize everyday and it really has kept the dryness down and it's pretty cheap also. I wonder if MWF would be beneficial, is there another lanolin soap made other than this?
Just finished up a block of Savon de Marseille w/ crushed Lavender flowers. Really, really excellent soap. Very thick lather, heavenly scent. The lather is so thick it can be used for shaving, if you're so inclined (works great with a superlather, believe it or not). It's just a little drying, probably best for those with normal to oily skin. Just FYI, the soap breaks down into pieces over time if left in water, so it's best to let it dry between uses.

Also recently finished a bottle of Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri shower milk. I'll tell you right now, this is one of the best scents I've ever smelled. Delicate, soothing orange with just a hint of bitterness...this is the body wash you'd have stocked in your Italian villa on the Amalfi coast. Efficacy is superb, and it's VERY moisturizing. Absolutely incredible, decadent, hedonistic luxury soap. Way too expensive.

L'Occitane Lemon Verbena body wash is also pretty good. The scent is outstanding, but the efficacy is only average. If you like verbena, it's worth a shot.
I also suffer from psoriasis and winter is the tough season. I have been using Cornhuskers lotion to moisturize everyday and it really has kept the dryness down and it's pretty cheap also. I wonder if MWF would be beneficial, is there another lanolin soap made other than this?
I like Cornhuskers too. I use it as an aftershave sometimes also. I think Dove has lanolin in it but I don't like the smell.
Last year my dermatologist prescribed a foamy mousse type emollient steroid product called Olux-E. I've had reasonable luck with it.
I've tried quite a few different kinds but the one that always ends up being my number one choice is plain old Dove. It is gentle as a soap, or beauty bar whatever it is they call it, can be, and it lathers very well.

And nothing compares to the brand itself. I've tried lots of the drug store brand versions of it but they just aren't quite the same.
Just went and picked me up some Pears Transparent Soap, man does it smell good! I love the smell of thyme. Its only a buck at my local Dollar Tree.
Just went and picked me up some Pears Transparent Soap, man does it smell good! I love the smell of thyme. Its only a buck at my local Dollar Tree.

I just started using Pears this week. Great soap which seems to be helping my skin which gets very dry in the winter months. In fact I may use it in place of MWF.
Plus you can't beat the price!

i guess i´ll go pick up some la toja soap, i was looking for something decent, im currently using palmolive olive oil,
I'm jumping on this post pretty late, but hopefully people will look at this reply because bath soaps are my favorite part of bathing and I take them seriously.

Baudelaire makes some amazing vegetable oil soaps with THE most amazing frangrances.

Also, L'epi De Provence is another AWESOME veg. oil soap maker. Also VERY fascinating scents.

Pre De Provence is a really good brand that's more available and maybe a little cheaper than the previous.
Use a bar of good ol' Yardleys with a scrunchy, poofy thing and lather up.

It's the only way to shower with a great, inexpensive tallow soap with lots of lather, while getting a decent scrub. Remember, bar soaps work great with those poofy things, they're not just for body washes and gels.
It's the only way to shower with a great, inexpensive tallow soap with lots of lather, while getting a decent scrub. Remember, bar soaps work great with those poofy things, they're not just for body washes and gels.

I find I can get a good lather with body wash/poof or bar soap/wash cloth, but hardly ever interchangeably. Since I've transitioned to bar soap I canned the poof, but maybe I'll have to revisit. I do also like the fact that I can throw the cloth in the wash after a few days, but tend to hang onto a poof for a couple of months without changing it. For a couple of bucks, though, I guess it's trivial.
I tell you what soap I bought for only 56 cents and I think its better than most soaps I have used.....its Walgreens own brand soap. I get the gentle soap with bath oil. Its tallow based and it leaves my skin feeling soft and it smells great. Not only that but if you ever get prickly heat, this stuff is great. Just was the area with the rash with dial antibiotic soap to kill the bactera in that area, then use the Walgreens soap to clean and mosturize, works great!

I agree that the Pears soap is better for the summer months, on top of that if found that it irritated the skin in my groin region so for now I have stopped using it.
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