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27 June 2023 - Head Shave

Merkur 37C
Gillette Silver Blue (1st Use)
Semogue SOC Boar
House of Mammoth Voices Soap & Indigo Splash

After my less than stellar head shave with the Voskhod blade two days past, it was good to get back in the saddle. This was my second time using the 37C for a head shave and it did not let me down. The new GSB blade was just a bit more sharp than smooth. I probably should have used it for a face shave prior to settle it in. A two pass shave (WTG/ATG) left me with a fine shave and only a bit of stinging when applying the alum block.

Now that I've got a bit of experience head shaving with a DE, I've zeroed in on my problem areas. The hair on the top of my head seems to be the most coarse, coupled with my skin seeming to feel the thinnest (or perhaps less fat underneath) means I really have to pay attention to my pressure. I also seem to have a bit of a ridge running down the middle which makes for a high spot. Perhaps I was dropped on my head as a kid!

Also, the area where my head stops being perpendicular to the ground and starts to round off towards the top is another problem area. When I run my fingers back and forth on this area, there is kind of a waviness to it. This is an area where I can get irritation.

I'm a big fan of House of Mammoth Tusk base and their after shave splashes. Probably second only to Zingari Man. While I only have two HoM soaps and two HoM splashes, I love the performance and post shave feel. The soap takes a lot of water and allows for a very slick, low structure lather that I prefer. Down the road I hope to pick up the matching Voices splash and Indigo soap.
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28 June 2023 - Face Shave

GEM Heavy Flat Top (AKA G-Bar)
GEM PTFE Stainless Steel Blade (3rd Use)
Semogue Galahad C3 Horse
Seaforth! Sea Spice Lime Soap
Clubman Pinaud Lime Sec EDC

Well, I'm certainly enjoying Day 3 of face shaving with a GEM blade. I had been mostly using DE blades recently, perhaps because I just really love to shave with and even look at Gillette TTO razors. But, the GEM blade truly gives me a better shave.

The GEM Heavy Flat Top (HFT) is one fine razor! Looking at the American Safety Razor Dating Chart, I find it odd that it was produced after the GEM Feather Weight (FW). IMO the FW is not in the same category in quality of materials and build. While I was cleaning up post shave and looking at the HFT, I started to feel the vibe of the Ever Ready Chromium Razor (AKA Streamline). I pulled out my Streamline and noticed many similarities, to include the heavy chrome plating, substantial weight of the razor and when viewing the head of the razor from the back the design of the baseplate and spring. See image below.

I really wanted to add a horse brush to my stable (see what I did there) and I was thinking the Zenith 506 XSE in olive wood would be perfect. I had been hemming and hawing on placing an order with yourshaving.com. I then saw this Semogue horse brush for sale, used, at a good price and picked it up. I already have two Semogue SOC brushes and love them and thought this Galahad handle looked pretty sharp. I really like the handle and was surprised that the backbone of the horse hair is plenty enough to face lather with. I've not had any issue with the horse hair tangling. The only thing is that the hairs can be a bit prickly. For the time being, I'll bowl lather with it and continue to play around with splaying it and see if anything changes and/or I get used to it. Still might get that extra soft Zenith some day.

LOVE the scent of Sea Spice Lime! And, the performance of the base is mighty fine as well!

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29 June 2023 - Head Shave

Gillette Flare Tip (1954/Z3)
Gillette Silver Blue (2nd Use)
Omega 10049
Aqua Velva

Yesterday's Arko banter had me thinking that I hadn't used it in quite some time. Though I've got it in the puck form, I still use it like a stick and applied it directly to my head and lathered it up from there. It created a lovely, hydrated lather that was enough to cover my three pass shave. I know many folks knock it for the scent, but it doesn't bother me.

I need to slow my roll with my head shaving. Only having a couple of month under my belt, I need to acknowledge that my technique is nowhere near the same as with my face shaving. I'm going to focus on using my Leaf and mild razors, such as the Gillette Tech and Merkur 34C/37C. I got a bit of irritation and some weepers today.

One of my first brush purchases, I really enjoy the Omega 49. My only small gripe is that the loft is pretty high. I use a rubber O-ring that I got a pack of from the local big box home repair store. I roll the O-ring over the handle and just onto the base of the knot...gives it a bit more backbone that helps when face/head lathering.
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01 July 2023 - Face Shave

Ever Ready 1914 (AKA Little Lather Catcher)
GEM PTFE Stainless Steel Blade (4th Use)
Shavemac 173 24mm 2-Band Silvertip Badger
Zingari Man The Traditionalist Soap & Splash

I'm entering into the sweet spot for a GEM razor. I usually don't push more than 10 shaves per blade and find shaves 3-8 to generally produce the smoothest shaves. The Little Lather Catcher is another smooth shaver and provides a lot of great feedback sound while shaving. I generally like to shave with a more shallow angle, yet today experimented a bit and found that a steeper angle worked better on my chin going WTG/North to South. I had three days growth, which could have been a factor.

I'm not going to be too chatty today. I've been struggling with a bit of a tooth ache and Monday morning can't get here soon enough for a trip to the dentist.
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01 July 2023 - Face Shave

Ever Ready 1914 (AKA Little Lather Catcher)
GEM PTFE Stainless Steel Blade (4th Use)
Shavemac 173 24mm 2-Band Silvertip Badger
Zingari Man The Traditionalist Soap & Splash

I'm entering into the sweet spot for a GEM razor. I usually don't push more than 10 shaves per blade and find shaves 3-8 to generally produce the smoothest shaves. The Little Lather Catcher is another smooth shaver and provides a lot of great feedback sound while shaving. I generally like to shave with a more shallow angle, yet today experimented a bit and found that a steeper angle worked better on my chin going WTG/North to South. I had three days growth, which could have been a factor.

I'm not going to be too chatty today. I've been struggling with a bit of a tooth ache and Monday morning can't get here soon enough for a trip to the dentist.
Good luck with Murphy Molar 🦷
@thombrogan @BrianWithAnI @JoWolf Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement!

It got a bit dark for me over the weekend and really considered a late night run to the VA Hospital Emergency Room, but finally got beyond that point. A bit of internet sleuthing led me to a routine of 1000mg of generic Tylenol every 6 hours, warm salt water rinses followed later by hydrogen peroxide rinses 3-4 times a day and using an ice pack when the Tylenol wore off...got me through to Monday. The dentist prescribed some antibiotics and 800mg ibuprofen that has really done the trick. I feel much better now and will be visiting a Endodontist on Thursday to get a root canal.
Hey Bryan,

I'm happy to hear things are relatively under control and you are feeling better for the moment. I sincerely hope that everything goes well on Thursday and that you have a speedy recovery.

You are in my thoughts.

All the best,
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04 July 2023 - Head Shave

Leaf Razor
Astra SP, Single Blade Snapped in Half (2nd Use)
Semogue SOC Mistura
Barrister and Mann Amazelnut Soap
Floid Vigoroso After Shave

Back in the shaving saddle again and it feels good!

I think I'm finally dialing in the technique, and more importantly the pressure, with this Leaf razor for head shaving. Thought it can take three half DE blades, I only use the one DE blade snapped in half and leaf the top slot open on the razor. I figure it is easier to keep track of two half blades in between shaves. Two passes (WTG/ATG) on five days growth. I was pleased with the result and didn't try to chase. I have a cowlick on the top/back of my head and I just need to be satisfied with not always the smoothest there as when I chase it I tend to do damage.

The Amazelnut is my only B&M soap (Omnibus) and I really like it. It is a softish soap, but not too soft. Still, I scoop and load my brush in a bowl for face/head lathering. I wasn't sure if I was going to stop at two passes today, but luckily did as I didn't scoop enough soap to cover three head passes. I need to remember to scoop a bit more for my head.

I'm on a pretty good run of shaving results lately...knock on wood. I'm looking forward to a GEM blade shave tomorrow, as I'll have four days growth.

Happy Fourth Y'all!
@thombrogan @BrianWithAnI @JoWolf Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement!

It got a bit dark for me over the weekend and really considered a late night run to the VA Hospital Emergency Room, but finally got beyond that point. A bit of internet sleuthing led me to a routine of 1000mg of generic Tylenol every 6 hours, warm salt water rinses followed later by hydrogen peroxide rinses 3-4 times a day and using an ice pack when the Tylenol wore off...got me through to Monday. The dentist prescribed some antibiotics and 800mg ibuprofen that has really done the trick. I feel much better now and will be visiting a Endodontist on Thursday to get a root canal.
Sorry your holiday weekend was compromised with pain. Good to hear you’re able to save the tooth. I’ve had a few root canals. It's nice to hang onto as many of our parts as we can. Hard to beat original equipment.
May Thursday be quick and do the trick, Bryan
Thank you, Thom!
Sorry your holiday weekend was compromised with pain. Good to hear you’re able to save the tooth. I’ve had a few root canals. It's nice to hang onto as many of our parts as we can. Hard to beat original equipment.
Me as well, John...this will be my third root canal. You're right about that...OEM for the win!
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05 July 2023 - Face Shave

Ever Ready Ambassador - Chromium Razor, 1st Gen (AKA Streamline)
GEM PTFE Stainless Steel (5th Use)
Zenith 505B Silvertip Badger
Zingari Man The Essentials Sego Shave Soap
Zingari Man The Nomad Recovery Splash

As I said on another post, I'm really hitting a purple patch with my shaving. Razors that have been known to be on the aggressive side and cause me some trouble are all coming up roses. My only conclusion is that my technique must have improved enough over the last couple of months that I think less about how I'm having to make each stroke and as Nike said...Just Do It!

This Ever Ready Chromium Razor has been one I've had to be real careful with and it's bitten me a time or two. No problem today, even on four days growth. I would not call the first pass smooth by any measure, but the weight of the razor and the stiffness of the GEM blade allowed me to get to the end of the shave with no irritation.

I've mostly consigned this Zenith 28mm Silvertip as a head shaver...it's a big honkin' knot. It was a pleasure to use on today's face shave. Knowing I would be going three passes, I scooped a bit extra soap and used a bowl to load the brush. By the time I got the soap loaded to the brush, I basically had a fully fledged lather. I use a syringe to add 1/4 teaspoon at a time and slowly hydrate the lather. When bowl loading a brush for face/head lathering, I usually use from 1-2 teaspoons of water (1/4 teaspoon at a time). Real soft soaps take less water, while more firm take more.
Hey Bryan!

I'm happy to read the face shaving continues to go so well, even in spite of a blade that may be leaving us a bit early.

I use a syringe to add 1/4 teaspoon at a time and slowly hydrate the lather. When bowl loading a brush for face/head lathering, I usually use from 1-2 teaspoons of water (1/4 teaspoon at a time). Real soft soaps take less water, while more firm take more.
I love this syringe idea. Seems great to develop consistency in the lather.

I hope all goes well at the endodontist tomorrow.

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