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An attempt to simplify and save a few bucks

After one more week with the blackbird, I'm liking a less and less. So this one is getting taken out of the running.

Used the Yates 921 with H plate today and it was a pleasure.

Very close, smooth, and comfortable shave. Love the sound of this razor. Even against the grain was comfortable.

Additionally, the steeper shaving angle makes defining the neckline on my beard a lot easier.
The key to making this work and remaining economical is to keep it simple and stay off Badger & Blade. The posters here will try and convince you that you need more stuff and that that perfect shave is just another purchase away, or that you need to adopt some screwball technique to achieve Nirvana. There is no perfect shave and Nirvana is merely a state of mind. I advise you to acquire a simple kit, learn to use it, and never come back to B&B.
Went back to the BB today with Astra SP (2) blade. Made a point to only go WTD and XTG. Took about 4 passes before I was moderately satisfied with the shave.
Really sorry to hear. I have the BB in brass and have found it to be an extremely efficient razor and comfortable. So far I've had a few shaves with the GSB blade and they've been really good. Hope you find something that works for you.
Been using the Yates 921 with H and EH plates. And the more I use it the more I like it. Tried the Lupo 72 once and while there's a lot to like about it, it just didn't feel as nice on the skin, and the results were not as good.

The lupo looks better (to me), and feels like a more agile, precise tool for the job... but just doesn't perform as well. I'm tempted to get a .95 because I want to like it... 😆

Overall I think I'm settling in to keeping the Yates with 3 plates and getting rid of the rest.
I officially listed all my non-Yates razors for sale on BST. Feels good to simplify. I have the 3 plates to play with to change things up a bit... 😄

Tried the M plate today and didn't care for it. I'll need to try it again with a fresh blade...
Can you please drop me a pm? I'm trying to respond to your BST ad for a razor. Can figure out how to reach you, and why I can't access pms.
Can you please drop me a pm? I'm trying to respond to your BST ad for a razor. Can figure out how to reach you, and why I can't access pms.
That usually means you do not meet the minimum level of quality posts on B&B. Your current number is 7, so I would suggest to start posting your shave of the day to crank it up!

And welcome to B&B!



ancient grey sweatophile
While I agree completely with what @Quaznoid said, you can tiptoe into a modicum of higher end stuff, still save money, and make shaving a bit of a luxury experience. I settled on the Above the Tie Windsor, my only razor other than an old straight I have not used in decades. I also settled on Personna Lab Blues. One lasts me two weeks. I use Martin de Candre soap. Yes, it was about $75, but it appears the current puck will last a year and a half, maybe more. I have two brushes so that the one just used can dry before it is used again. Mine are small Kent badgers, but there are oodles of great lower cost options. I figured using two brushes that were the same and the same razor, blade, and soap would move consistency to virtual autopilot. It did. I can get a no cuts, no weepers, no irritation, three pass BBS in about six or seven minutes every single day and always enjoy it. Good luck with your search. IMO the key to saving money AND enjoying shaving, is knowing when to commit.
As I'm sure you all know, my goal to simplify and save some cash by switching to DE shaving hasn't really panned out yet... I'm still hoping I get there! 😅

Figured I'd start a journal to put my thoughts down and keep track of what I've tried, what has and hasn't worked for me and what I've learned.

I started shaving with a cartridge razor - Schick tracer FX to be exact, the one with two blades that would flex to the contours of your face. It did the job, as long as I didn't go against the grain it was comfortable, but never very close. I was poor, so I would use one cartridge for around a month before swapping it out.

Once I got a decent job I purchased a Panasonic electric razor. I was finally able to get a close and comfortable shave. But, there were always stranglers that it just wouldn't pickup without going over the same area 10 times or more.

My neck whiskers grow pretty much parallel with my skin, so they were hard to "scoop" up into the razor's foil.

I started keeping a spare cartridge razor around just to quickly slice off these 3-5 whiskers that the Panasonic just couldn't pick up.

About 10 years ago I stared growing a beard, and only shaving my neck. I stuck with the electric razor, with help from the cartridge as needed. This worked well enough and I changed the blades in the electric a couple times over the years so it really didn't cost that much. I just grew tired of how long it seemed to take to go over and over to get all my flat lying hair off my neck.

As long as I shaved every day it wasn't much of a problem but if I waited a few days then things got tricky. And since I had a beard I wasn't that motivated to shave every day.

This summer my 15 year old son decided he wanted to start shaving so I started looking into what kind of razor to get him and read about double edged safety razors. They seemed economical and generally favored by their users. so I figured I would pick one up to try for myself before getting one for him.

I was excited at the possibility of ditching the electric razor and not being stuck spending $10 on blades every month for each person in my house.

I picked up a Rockwell 6C after a bit of research, and to my surprise there was nothing scary about it - I got a smooth shave that easily cut all the whiskers off my neck.

I also ordered a brush and some soaps from Sterling.
I've started using a double-edged razor for shaving, and it has added a sense of ritual and enjoyment to the process. I really love it. However, I can't resist the temptation to try various razors, which feels like falling into a rabbit hole. Saving money might not be something I can manage right now, but I truly enjoy this addiction.

Additionally, I've just joined this community and am not familiar with all the features. I attempted to message Blade5082 to purchase your Razorock, but I'm unsure how to start. This seems to be the only way I can contact you. I hope you notice this.
I was a beard guy for the last 6 or 7 years, and I was ready to take it off. But the thought of going back to the drudgery of cartridge and electric shavers made think twice.

So I went on YouTube to see what was "new" in shaving and I came across dozens of DE/SE wet shaving vids and I knew I was going to do this. For the first time in my life, I was excited about shaving, imagine that!

While it's been a bit of a learning curve, I'll never go back to the "old" way of shaving again, cartridge and electric. I'm hooked on wet shaving and I really enjoy the whole process. It's really relaxing and satisfying.

I often wonder why this style of shaving went away. It's efficient and comfortable. I guess the razor companies weren't making enough money.
I often wonder why this style of shaving went away. It's efficient and comfortable. I guess the razor companies weren't making enough money.
I think they saw more money in the disposable cartridges, easier to start with also vs the safety razor. The safety razor was an effort to simplify shaving with straight razors, add to that the need to continually buy blades, there was money to be made. The cartridge seems to be a further expansion of the same idea.
I've started using a double-edged razor for shaving, and it has added a sense of ritual and enjoyment to the process. I really love it. However, I can't resist the temptation to try various razors, which feels like falling into a rabbit hole. Saving money might not be something I can manage right now, but I truly enjoy this addiction.

Additionally, I've just joined this community and am not familiar with all the features. I attempted to message Blade5082 to purchase your Razorock, but I'm unsure how to start. This seems to be the only way I can contact you. I hope you notice this.
You need a minimum number of posts/messages in order to PM someone. So I invite you to start sharing your shaves of the day in the designated threads!!

Welcome to B&B!
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