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3 for 3 great shaves

3 for 3 nights of an excellent shaving experience! I’m super happy about this but don’t want to jinx myself. I shaved 3 nights in a row now (first time ever shaving 3 times in a row) and have had the best experience. No irritation, last night one tiny weeper that went away after alum otherwise nothing, BBS cheeks tonight and last night and DFS otherwise. I even worked my way from the Henson to the King C. Gillette DE Razor tonight coupled with a Gillette Platinum blade - not sure if there’s another name but they are in blue and white packaging made in Russia. The pre-shave routine has been warm towel for a minute or two, pre-shave oil, Castle Forbes shave cream Razorock Bruce brush (both PIFs). I did 3 passes with a little touch up (still figuring out the whisker growth direction), rinse with warm water, alum block, rinse with cool water, pat dry, then Proraso and/or Nivea aftershave. I just wanted to share my great results and thank everyone again for their expertise. B&B has been such a great resource for me to learn this now addicting art-science-hobby! 😃


I shaved a fortune
@Jaybyrd , I've only been wet shaving for 2 years now... and they've gone by quickly. Still, it was recent enough that my old mind can remember those first days.... They are exciting, filled with wonder and a bit of trepidation....

I can see you are already enjoying the journey.... The scenery is lovely this time of year. <eg> evil grin :devil:
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