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2024 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Year of MacGyver

Still in...
FFFMM 2024.jpg

Ti Blackbird / Perma-Sharp / Frozen Tundra / C&H STF XL / Proraso Green
That’s no fun. We had a specific case of someone needing to revert to electric shaves because of prescribed blood thinners.

I would say that in this particular case if you needed to get extra cream you also use for your body because of treating your eczema I would consider you in. You sure didn’t ask for it and you went to the doctor for it as well. What might put you out is if you go over the top in biting creams for the sake of experimentation in finding the best cream when you already know what works for you.

Does this help?

Good luck with your situation by the way. Hope it decreases soon.


I agree. Anyone who needs to buy something different for a medical reason ought not to be Out.

That looks like a well loved brush. Is it horse hair? Assuming so, how does it compare to badger and boar?oeuou
Yes it is. I got it several years ago specifically to try out a horse hair brush. I really like it. It was around $30 at the time, so not super expensive the way some badgers can be. The handle is cosmetically nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done. I briefly toyed with the idea of trying to get the knot out and transplanting it to a custom handle, then thought better of it. I decided not to risk damaging an excellent knot.

The horse hair does not have much scrub, which is fine with me. I favor a softer brush, and painting strokes rather than scrubbing with the brush. I have experienced almost zero shedding, so that is a big plus. I have no trouble making a good lather with it. Care is minimal, I just rinse it thoroughly, shake it out, then squeeze the hairs with a towel to absorb water out of it. I then spread the fibers a bit with my fingers and allow it to air dry.

I am glad to have a horse in the stable, so to speak, but truth is most of the time I find myself reaching for a synth.
Still in. Zero temptations. Today is a special day for 2 reasons;
1) our rescue dog joined our family 14 years ago today. Not Sure of the breed but he is as loyal as the come. 11 years ago my wife was taking him for a walk when a drugged out piece of &*$# attacked my wife. She got a few bruises, the dog got a couple broken ribs, the attacker permanently lost the use of his left hand Thanks to the best dog in the entire world latching on and not letting go until the our neighbors kids….2 corn fed twin brothers that played middle linebacker for the local high school football team….got ahold of the piece of $&#*##. Both of those young men said they really didn’t need to step in as our dog had things well in hand….no pun intended. I love that dog. What a blessing he has been. We didnt rescue the dog, he rescued us.
2) 9 months until retirement. 10 months from now you’ll find 2 old dogs on the lake.
Still in. Nice shave tonight. Pic shows the info. Pulled out the only DE I ever liked enough to buy a back-up, the iKon Shavecraft 101. An homage to the Punktal razor of olden times, it is a much, much better shaver (owned a Punktal at one time... wretched piece of equipment).
This one is smooth and comfy, yet reasonably efficient. I am adding a pic of it and my other favorite DE so you can see for yourself what unusual design element they share. I wish more razor makers would try this as part of their designs.

@snowman he looks Awesome. I bet he's a blast to goof around with and explorer.
He comes with me on some day hikes but he is getting too old for thru hikes. I wish I could take him with me on the PCT trail but it would be too much for him. He has never hurt a flea, except that one time he had to defend SWMBO. I didn’t witness it, but my wife said he was unstoppable. No matter how hard the guy punched and kicked at him he would not release his grip on the guys hand. Not to get to graphic, but after the incident his entire face was soaked in blood….not his either. The police and our attorney suggested we should put him down because he couldn’t be trusted. No way that was going to happen. 11 years have gone by since that incident and he is as loving and gentle as can be. My wife even Cleans him up and brings him to the local vet hospital to visit with some of the older vets getting long term care. That dog looks so unassuming in this pic but he is quite literally a hero…at least to me. OK…I’ll stop bragging about my old dog now. Sorry gents. 🤪
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