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2013 - Shave Purchase Sabbatical - Gentlemanly Insanity

What the heck, I'll give it a shot for 2013! I must really stop buying things and start saving money again.

Personal exceptions:
  1. LE items
I promise to restrain from restraining. Tried for only a few months. Lasted about 2 weeks. The freedom you feel when you are out is too great and I realized I don't have enough stuff to restrain myself yet.

Nice exception list, BTW, Op! :thumbup:
I'm in!

Personal Exceptions:
B&B LE Items
Items I run out of. While I should have enough, I may run out of aftershave or soaps. This will only be used if I truly run out of everything, not just a favorite soap or aftershave.
1982 C4 Superspeed or Adjustable in good shape ( birth year/quarter)

One last Exception: Vintage Razor ( only ) finds from my local antique shop ( only ). He sells them for dirt cheap prices. Anything purchased from him will either be PIF'd or replace one of my current razors & that will be PIF'd.

I'm just glad that my shaving AD's are mostly gone. This year I think is going to end up being a Fountain Pen & ink year...
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I'm in,
my goal is to use up something..anything.
and get to know my straights..their history and how they perform ..
Personal exceptions: none.
I promise to restrain from restraining. Tried for only a few months. Lasted about 2 weeks. The freedom you feel when you are out is too great and I realized I don't have enough stuff to restrain myself yet.
+1 - I broke the 2012 Sabbatical when I felt I needed to get the same canned goo a friend was using so that I could try it and authoritatively tell him it was bad stuff. Thus freed from the bonds that were restraining me I went ahead and stocked up on drug store aftershaves, a new razor, my first stick of Arko, and an order from Mama Bear. Boy does that feel great!

I may be in some of the short term restraint threads for 2013, but I don't have the stockpiles of stuff that would cause me to sign up here. Although it may be fun to show up and try to tempt a few of you guys to break your pledges...
Ok but one more last one for good measure:


oh my..
i just realized..each rack has two rows of brushes???!!!
i commend you, i would have a breakdown trying to process that many brushes.
the pic reminds me of this for some reason


System Generated
Keep in mind, there is a "Post your shave den" thread for those who wish.

Nice to see a few others signed up already, the more people we have putting pressure on each other, the better chance we'll have of succeeding.
In, in, in, a thousand times, in.

In the spirit of brianw's generous prizes from last year, I'm going to go through the den and come up with a set of prizes for those who outlast me, or make it all the way through the year with me. Those participating keep your eyes on this thread in late December for the announcement.

And....SWMBO upped the ante on me. I told her about the Sabbatical, and got the "didn't you try that last year and blow it by May?", so this means war. The standard B&B LE's are my only exception; no trades for me this time. That's a slippery slope that took me down in 2012.
Good luck Bruce and all.

I could maybe join a 3 month (having failed the GRUC12) but can't see a year abstinence....
For 2012 I blazed out in three weeks after finding a tamahagane kamisori for $60 on Ebay. Then I jumped back in and lasted until last month, when I got my hands on a Revisor 8/8 I had been drooling over for quite some time. I also picked up the B&B Essential brush. I can say that I am well-stocked in my supplies and shouldn't need to buy anything new in 2013. I will stock up on Proraso's new formula as my final shaving indulgence of 2012, but then I am definitely in for 2013.
I'm in!

Personal Exceptions:
B&B LE Items
Items I run out of. While I should have enough, I may run out of aftershave or soaps. This will only be used if I truly run out of everything, not just a favorite soap or aftershave.
1982 C4 Superspeed or Adjustable in good shape ( birth year/quarter)

One last Exception: Vintage Razor ( only ) finds from my local antique shop ( only ). He sells them for dirt cheap prices. Anything purchased from him will either be PIF'd or replace one of my current razors & that will be PIF'd.

I'm just glad that my shaving AD's are mostly gone. This year I think is going to end up being a Fountain Pen & ink year...

You were one of the biggest enablers in the GRUC thread... lol Now you want to try it for a whole year?? hehe
Well, if I'm not a flunkie, I feel bad enabling in the thread... I mean, yeah, I think I can make a year!

Well, more power to ya, I think I learned my lesson in the GRUC... restraint is not something I am *any* good at. lol Even though I am tempted to try it again... for some reason...
I'm in. And no exceptions for me. Want to make room in the den and this may well be the perfect way to do just that!
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