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The New York Mets

Well, now the Mets have beaten the 3 pitchers favored to lead the NL Cy Young voting this year (Kershaw, Greinke, Jake Arietta), plus Lester. Now after a well deserved off day (rest that arm, Jeurys!) the Cubs get this on Tuesday:

Hey Guys:

Congrats on winning games one and two. Hard to see how we're are going to come back after you beat are Nos. 1 and 2, but baseball is a funny game sometimes. I'm going to the game tonight. It's our first home playoff game since 2008, and so I'm excited. It's really cool when the Ivy turns red at Wrigley. Be sure to look for it when you watch the game. The temperature is supposed to be In The upper sixties around the time of the first pitch, and when I went by the ball park this morning, the wind was blowing out. Wind direction is extremely important at Wrigley and can change at the drop of a hat. Hopefully the wind and warmer weather will be enough to jump start our bats.
Hey Guys:

Congrats on winning games one and two. Hard to see how we're are going to come back after you beat are Nos. 1 and 2, but baseball is a funny game sometimes. I'm going to the game tonight. It's our first home playoff game since 2008, and so I'm excited. It's really cool when the Ivy turns red at Wrigley. Be sure to look for it when you watch the game. The temperature is supposed to be In The upper sixties around the time of the first pitch, and when I went by the ball park this morning, the wind was blowing out. Wind direction is extremely important at Wrigley and can change at the drop of a hat. Hopefully the wind and warmer weather will be enough to jump start our bats.

It ain't over till it's over.
Hey Guys:

Congrats on winning games one and two. Hard to see how we're are going to come back after you beat are Nos. 1 and 2, but baseball is a funny game sometimes. I'm going to the game tonight. It's our first home playoff game since 2008, and so I'm excited. It's really cool when the Ivy turns red at Wrigley. Be sure to look for it when you watch the game. The temperature is supposed to be In The upper sixties around the time of the first pitch, and when I went by the ball park this morning, the wind was blowing out. Wind direction is extremely important at Wrigley and can change at the drop of a hat. Hopefully the wind and warmer weather will be enough to jump start our bats.

That's going to be an intense atmosphere. Enjoy it! The only playoff game I attended was Game 7 of the 2006 series against the Cardinals in Shea. I remember Endy Chavez making the most amazing catch to rob a home run, and then I can't remember a SINGLE THING after that.
I can definitely see the Cubs bats coming alive before the end of this series. I just hope deGrom can limit that damage and that our offense can get going as well. It's time for Cespedes sighting, hopefully.
Good tip on the Ivy turing red. Hadn't heard of this before and I'll be looking for it now.
At Wrigley. A beautiful night for baseball. Seventy- one degrees, slightly overcast skies. Wind blowing out to straight away center with dead sticks down the lines.
The Chicago Cubs have never beaten a New York team in the post-season. The Cubs were swept by the Yankees in the 1932 World Series, and again in the 1938 series. They are 0-2 thus far in the 2015 NLCS.
Is the ivy red? Doesn't look that way on TV. Can you provide an eyewitness evaluation?

It is just starting to turn. I was actually surprised that it wasn't more red. There is Ivy throughout Wrigleyville that looks ablaze. I just assumed it would be the same inside the yard. Sorry for getting your hopes up.
Well, barring some unforeseen miracle, it looks like the fat lady is singing for my Boys from the North Side. I have no complaints though. After going through a massive rebuilding process for the last few years, the return on that investment have clearly born out. I really thought that they weren't ready to take such a big step this season and doing so is a measure of both their physical ability and mental maturity as well. The boys got to experience the playoffs for the first time, and will be better prepared for the post season.

With perhaps the youngest infield in the majors, one of them the prohibitive favorite for rookie of the year, while the old man of the group RIZZO, aged 26 was mentioned as an MVP candidate, I'm feeling pretty good about my team's immediate future. Whereas in seasons past I always felt that our window was very small, I no longer feel that way. Schwarber's bat has been a revelation, and perhaps some time with the instructional league this off-season might help his defense. SOLER is under contract for six more years I believe, and if he can stay healthy, should continue to improve.

We clearly need another starter or two. I just don't want to give 7 years to a thirty year old pitcher this off-season, especially as it looks like that is what Arieta will demand after next season. I'd also like to see them shore up the pen a bit more. Jason Heyward would be a great addition if he could play center full time, and it would also deplete the Cardinals a bit as well.

Anyway, I'll be watching this evening and keeping my fingers crossed, but at any rate, I believe our day will come. Or not. But I'll be there regardless, and so will Cubs Nation.
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