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2014 Roundup - Fundraiser and Shaving Swag Giveaway - ***Updated with More Prizes!***

$download (2).jpg
$download (1).jpg
While we're waiting, let me show you around the accounting system to make the selection:

View attachment 491673

Getting everything input is no mean feat. It requires meticulous attention to detail. Look at the job Nemo is doing with the cards:

View attachment 491675

Hey look! Ouch showed up with the tacos!

View attachment 491680

Geez, I've never seen rearviewmirror move so fast! Hey! Tell Nemo you're sorry!

View attachment 491681

This is going to take a little while.
But the tension... It's so tense!!
It's a long process.
First the mods arrive by mule from all over the world.
They are ushered into a room with a big, reinforced table.
The table has hundreds of tacos on it.
Each taco has a randomly generated entrant name printed out and nestled twixt the two shells.
The mods are released from their chains and then they're off, gnawing through tacos at astounding and prodigious rates.
They are supposed to leave a few left at the end, those of course containing the winners, but sometimes the taco-frenzy is too much and all are consumed.
This ritual has taken up to 4 attempts to resolve.

It's a long process.
First the mods arrive by mule from all over the world.
They are ushered into a room with a big, reinforced table.
The table has hundreds of tacos on it.
Each taco has a randomly generated entrant name printed out and nestled twixt the two shells.
The mods are released from their chains and then they're off, gnawing through tacos at astounding and prodigious rates.
They are supposed to leave a few left at the end, those of course containing the winners, but sometimes the taco-frenzy is too much and all are consumed.
This ritual has taken up to 4 attempts to resolve.

Bwahahahaha I need to know now!!!!!!!!
So this is why we well mannered and even tempered Swedes never stand a chance in these matters.... :lol:

$Swedish macho.JPG

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Without any further ado.....drum roll please....and let's make it a really good, Neil Peart drum roll:

The winners of the 2014 Roundup - Fundraiser and Shaving Swag Giveaway are....

1st Prize: the_ogre25

2nd Prize: Yminoh

3rd Prize: Artimid

Last Place Ain't So Bad After All Prize: Jinx18


And now, for the winners of the Gold Level Prizes


Gold Level Winner #1, who shall choose between the West Coast Shaving gift certificate and additional gear or The Unobtainium Collection is.......

Captain Coarsebeard!!!!

Gold Level Winner #2, who shall receive the remaining Gold Level Prize is........



All winners will be contacted via PM later today.

The prizes are fun and all, but the most important thing in our minds is the tremendous generosity of everyone who signed up to help support Badger & Blade.

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