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Mosquitoes! I HATE THEM!

At my work there is a squadron of them waiting over the door jamb to dive bomb me as soon as I come into work. I'm their buffet, their sugar daddy and honey all wrapped into one big fat tasty treat. Luckly for me "my area" isn't the only area affected as other co-workers are being slammed by them. I put on some organic repellent and these guys just laugh. Cintronella gel hooks? I saw one land a inch from it. So how does one kill mosquitoes WITHOUT harmful chemicals?
I know if some people who are immune to them "I never get bite". I hate them. They are aliens. They have to be.
Do you have something that works? What do you use when you go camping? I know garlic cloves work but I then won't be sleeping with my wife anytime soon. I'll pass on Deet. Let's hear what works.:thumbup1:

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"A Boy Named Sue"
I use Lavender hand lotion on exposed areas of skin while working in the yard or grilling. Seem to works great. I am a mosquito magnet and they come to me first, ignoring all other people or pets in the neighborhood. Maybe I need a lavender shave soap for extra protection.
The Thermacell device really works. I don't have the foggiest what's in them but they do keep the biting bugs at bay. I've been on hunts where we get the animal down and are swarmed by mosquitoes, then someone turns on the thermacell and within minutes there is a wall of bugs that can't get in.
The downside is they work best if you're staying in one place. They don't work so well if you're walking around. Sadly in that case, deet is still the best bet.
ah skeeters.
The only thing I know of with no chemicals is a mosquito net.

mosquito coils work but some people don't like them
DEET based insect repellents work great but we are talking chemicals.
I do use insect repellents but I will spray the outside of my cloths when I'm not wearing them and avoid direct skin contact if possible.

mostly I used the net.
I've heard from a few older guys that taking b vitamins will change the chemistry of your natural skin oils and make you less prone to getting bit. I haven't personally tried it, but my buddy's dad swears by it, and he always comes home from fishing trips free of bites.
Great info guys. I too have heard of B-1 vitamins repelling them and seeing that there is a good benefit taking them anyway I'll try this.

I'll also give Thermacell a shot.
The Thermacell device really works. I don't have the foggiest what's in them but they do keep the biting bugs at bay. I've been on hunts where we get the animal down and are swarmed by mosquitoes, then someone turns on the thermacell and within minutes there is a wall of bugs that can't get in.
The downside is they work best if you're staying in one place. They don't work so well if you're walking around. Sadly in that case, deet is still the best bet.

+1. This is what I use when fishing or cleaning fish. Also, avoid AS since they seem to attract bugs. (The one possible exception: the Veg! :lol:)
Anyone else read this thread title in their head, as a young child throwing a temper tantrum? :lol: Yeah they are bad here...they are Wisconsin's state bird.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Citronella doesn't work. Period. At least in the candle version. I had 2 three wick citronella candles sitting right next to me. One on each side of my rocking chair. All 6 wicks burning. Mosquitoes were buzzing around without a worry in the world.
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