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Is it me or the forum

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Needs milk and a bidet!
Yes, it is a software design. If you scroll down a tad the banner should come back up. There are no user settings to change this.

The moderators would review for interest and decide.
The upper banner does not restore when scrolling down.

Yes, reloading the page goes back to the main heading but then I lost where I was.
What browser do you use Alex? Safari? Chrome? Other?
Chrome. The interesting part is, it happens very sporadically. Earlier this week it did but since then it doesnt without me changing anything.
I use Mac/Safari. I confirm that the upper part of the banner does not show up again until I go back to the top of the page. If it is an easy fix I wold recommend doing it.
Same for me. The top banner is always there on my iPhone but missing on my Macbook/Safari.

I've noticed this as well, as I visit the site most frequently on my Macbook.

I'd love if it could stay there all the time.
I use Chrome on a Dell and the top banner does disappear, however the home button takes me back to the top. I suppose I could also run another tab if I was in the middle of a reply and needed the search function.
It's the same on the Chromebook but a quick flick with two fingers on the track pad takes me to the top or I can use ctrl+alt+up arrow to return to the top.
There are many ways to get to the top banner and search function quickly.
Please help, why is there an unusable play button on my screen?
I brows the site in an android phone almost exclusively. Lately there has been this unusable play button in on every page. It is occasionally and is in the way. It also dose nothing when I click on it.

It is something to do with the advertising. I had the same thing on Android until I switched to the Vivaldi web browser.

Yep. I was using Duck Duck Go and getting the play button, which I just kinda lived with and worked around. Then it seemed that DDG started having problems blocking the ads at B&B.

I'm guessing the ad software was changed and DDG was no longer effective, so I updated the browser and it still failed to resovle the ad issue.

Duck Duck Go = 0
Ads = 1

Anyway, Vivaldi for the win!
I am using Dell/Windows 10 right in this moment and the same is happening. The top banner disappears as soon as I scroll down.
Well, the lower part of the banner is always there.
The upper banner contains only 5 options. Maybe they can be easily moved to the lower banner.

In any case this section is called "Site feedback. Help make Badger & Blade better. All comments and suggestions are welcome."
On my mobile (samsung / android / chrome & duck duck go) I consistently get this big play button that does not go away nor do nothing if I hit play. Also no close X button. Yes, I understand this has ads. I am in the process of put money aside - love the site so much - want to donate - & kill the ads!
Try resizing your screen. I use Chrome and set the zoom at 110%, that worked for me.


I have my screen zoomed in a bit as well (110%) and never had the problem of a disappearing search bar. I saw your post and resized my screen down to 100% and the search option disappeared. A quick press of ctrl and + increased the font size to 110% and brought the search option back.

I'm using windows 11 and Firefox.

Banner at 100% (normal/default zoom)

100 percent.png

Banner at 110% (zoomed to 110% by pressing ctrl and +)

110 percent.png

Granted doing this removes the Forums link, but you can access it through the Menu option on the Left (three bars). I don't generally mind this because I always start with browsing the site via New Posts anyways. I also prefer it this way because then I can see the DM's and Notifications which I use almost exclusively compared to the current banner options you see when zoomed to 100%.
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