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razor collecting: displaying is half the fun!!!

Well guys, I finally did it! I treated my razor collection to a display case suitable for my era of interest. As some of you may know, I am an enthusiast of pre WWI Gillettes. I found a reasonably priced general store oak display case from 1908 and restored it. Here are the first pics of the collection all set up. I should have enough space for any more razors that come in for the next few years :lol:. Enjoy!









WOW, is all that comes to mind! That is one sweet display case, and the content are pretty damn nice as well. Great job with the restore, looks like there is room for expansion as well, way to stay ahead of the RAD! :wink: I like the vintage ads as well, they are a very nice touch.
nice start. pretty soon you'll have whats called RAD (razor aquisition disorder) where you will get more razors than you know what to do with. Youre not there yet though, so keep going :biggrin:
In my best Bogey imitation: Schweet!

That's practically a shaving museum in a single display case. That has to at least intrigue anyone who sees it, shave geek or not.

- Barrett
You my sir, you should be proud of that collection.
A cabinet full of history and good looking razors.

If I only could get so many fine razors myself, well - I have many years to live, I will try so good I can.
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