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You know you've met a Straight Razor Shaver When.

His wife thinks HIS collection is over the top in comparison to her 800 pairs of Yoga pants lying around the house....

and she's right.
When he drinks his coffee out of a mug, sort of like this one. $s-l500.jpg
Truly Believes that "The Deathly Hollows"is a reference to that long forgotten art of a nearly spineless razor with such a thin grind that it's mere presence evokes the magic of instant stubble removal without so much as a single stroke LMAO:lol:
Tries to guess if the razor in the movie scene is closer to a 5/8ths or a 8/8ths.

and gets aggravated when the actor is clearly using the wrong angle so much they need to pause the movie and tell everyone in the room what's what and what the angle should look like....
He has what appears to be small "cat scratches" on his cheeks....when that XTG pass skips a little bit and leaves the mark you don't see till hours later, and someone says, "Did your cat scratch you?"
...he talks about this guy Doc226, and how he wants to send him his Hart for a new pair of shoes, like the ones he made for Lmarkow:lol:
He sighs and complains at how wrongly they shave with straight razors when they appear in movies, despite that his friends don't care and just wanna watch the darned film.

I mean, a straight razor shaver *might* do this, not saying i did it... well...maybe a little...
He tells his buddies all the details about wootz steel and damascus and pattern welded while they stare at him like he is speaking latin.
feels like a pusher, once someone starts asking about how to start with a straight... you dont dare mention anything but a 5/8s round point $ until they get their fix and then blam its all $$$ 14s' thumbnotches, and gold... and leathers
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