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Will I get my lovely hair back??

I shaved my head with a disposable razor about an year ago, and as you can guess it wasnt perfect, some places got a real close shave while others not, cuts etc. I always thought I would get a barber to get me a clean shave but never did.

Before that my hair used to be real silky and lovely, but now its more like disoriented and it apparently grows really slow, So I was thinking maybe I will get a pro to shave my hair right and like two times with a gap, so that I might get my lovely hair back. Is that possible??

-The extended bad hair days guy.
How old are you? I may have some bad news for you...

12 years ago, on a 6-month deployment into the Mediterranean, all us first-timers got our heads shaved. Mine took a long time to grow back... and even then it wasn't quite as full as it had been prior. I shaved it again a few years later, despite warning from others who pointed out that I was going bald (I was in denial), and the top never really grew back in again.

Who shaved your head isn't relevant in this case, I'm afraid. It sounds as if you may be a candidate for male pattern baldness, and your decreasing follicle count is what is slowing down the appearance of regrowth.

I don't know if it's an indicator but I, too, had silky (and fine) hair...
I am going to be 40 in a few months and did my very first head shave 2 weeks ago. My hair has grown back quickly so far.
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