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Replacement Knot Odor

May want to do the borax or vinegar method on it.

A brush being funky for more than 4 or 5 lathers isn't anything abnormal, especially for a regular silvertip since they haven't gone under any chemical processing like Super Silvertip.

I had a 30mm silvertip that I could smell a little bit of funk up to about its 12th shave. If you have a lemon essential oil cream or soap, that will help some, too.
My TGN superfan held it's funk for quite a while... took multiple overnight lathers and a few soaks for it to really die down.

I wouldn't worry about it unless borax doesn't fix it within a few applications...
Four to five lathers with the funk still in isn't abnormal. Horse hair brushes keep their funk in even longer. Try some shampoo to see if that helps, but you should only be concerned if it is in there for maybe 2 to 3 weeks. I own four brushes now, and every time I get a new one, I just lather it up and leave it in a cup for 24 hours. Rinse and repeat till the funk is gone. It usually takes me around a week, 7 lathers, to get it out. Good luck.

I had one from TGN that was a real stinker. I tried all of the above recommendations and it still had that nasty badger funk. Lathered it up with Proraso Green Tub, left it overnight and the next day it was gone. Good luck and let us know how it turns out for you. Enjoy your shaves.

I have had a mighty powerful smelling brush. I did Dawn dish soap followed by dilute vinegar. The funk was not eliminated, but tolerable. Took a few weeks to get the brush truly smelling neutral.


I had one from TGN that was a real stinker. I tried all of the above recommendations and it still had that nasty badger funk. Lathered it up with Proraso Green Tub, left it overnight and the next day it was gone. Good luck and let us know how it turns out for you. Enjoy your shaves.


Yea, I think Proraso is Great to cover that smell! Green or white. I shampoo then test lather with Proraso, let sit about 15 min. then rinse hot & cold water. Next day I start using it with only a mild smell & by the end of a week if any smell is left I can only detect it when the brush is just wet from the soaking. If I used Proraso to shave with I don't think I could smell it at all! I just prefer more mild scented soaps.
i keep borax on hand and do an yearly cleaning on all my brushes with it.the borax method is a good way to clean a used brush and it will take the funk out of on too.
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