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Noble Otter burning

So I just got my first Noble Otter last week (Green Jasmine Tea)

I love the design and the scent. However, I have gotten some intense burning after the first use. I didn't change anything except the soap. I use a DE razor which I am planning to switch to a straight but haven't yet, pre shave argan oil, AS Muhle balm. My other soap is a Muhle grapefruit which gave me no burning, and previous to that, Floris, and TOBS grapefruit (also no burning).

I tried again yesterday and my face was fine but today again my neck is burning.

Would it be reasonable to assume it is the Noble Otter soap that is causing the burning as that is the only variable I have changed?

It'll be a bit disappointing as I was planning to get a few more Noble Otters obviously have put that on hold until I conclusively rule it out as causing the burning which seems unlikely.

Otherwise what would be my alternatives? I was browsing other threads on burning and soaps with not many ingredients such as SV and MDC were recommended.
How many other soaps have you used and did they cause any burning sensation?

If it’s the NO soap causing the issue it seems weird that your neck would burn but not your face and that it would not cause burning at all one day and then cause burning the next. How long have you been DE shaving? Maybe your technique was off and that’s what caused the irritation.

Need more info but at this point I wouldn’t think the problem is the soap if you were able to use it one day with no issues.
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1) TOBS grapefruit shaving cream

2) Florsis 89 Shaving soap

3) Muhle grapefruit shaving soap.

No burning or other issues with any of them. And considering TOBS was when I first started DE it would have been a lot worse.

I've been DE shaving for two years.

Another attempt with NO this morning. New blade. Still some neck burning but not as bad and specifically just under the chin and between Adam's apple it is on fire
1) TOBS grapefruit shaving cream

2) Florsis 89 Shaving soap

3) Muhle grapefruit shaving soap.

No burning or other issues with any of them. And considering TOBS was when I first started DE it would have been a lot worse.

I've been DE shaving for two years.

Another attempt with NO this morning. New blade. Still some neck burning but not as bad and specifically just under the chin and between Adam's apple it is on fire

That’s strange. Maybe there is an ingredient that you’re very mildly allergic to and it only shows up in spots that were irritated slightly more by the razor. Hard to say for sure though.

If you can find a sample of Noble Otter’s unscented soap give that a try. At least then you’ll know whether it’s the soap ingredients or the fragrance ingredients that is causing the issue. I avoid any soaps that have a cinnamon component in the scent description because it causes my skin to feel hot for about an hour after the shave.
I had one soap I had a very similar reaction to like that, but maybe stronger and on my face. I just dropped it from my shaving, even though I liked the scent and so forth. My sense is the razor action kind of makes the skin vulnerable to irritants or allergens, so what you might not otherwise react to strongly, you react to more with whatever it is.

Given what you're saying it seems like there's no way to know if it's NO soaps in general or just that one. Wgg2017's suggestion to try an unscented sample (NO Bare?) is a good idea.
Yes, that does make sense that maybe the razor intensifies the reaction. I'm keen on the other NO offerings but again hesitant to try after my experience with this one. I will try and get hold of bare which I don't seem to find in UK. In the meantime I will try a few other brands, A&E. Phoenix Artisans, moon soaps etc. and see how I get on with them.

If I experienced this when I first started DE shaving I would have assumed this is the norm and would not have continued
If I experienced this when I first started DE shaving I would have assumed this is the norm and would not have continued

Yeah, there's a lot of things that can interact with each other and a given person in wetshaving, including the soap or cream, blade, and razor. I sometimes wonder if people starting out who become discouraged just have the wrong combination of things for them.
Huge bummer and my sympathies if it turns out that something in the soap rules it out for you. I love NO so would definitely try a couple other versions (at minimum Bare) to see if it's scent or base related.

I kept banging my head against Truefitt & Hill Apsley until I finally accepted that it really *was* the source of burning for me. I never encountered anything like it. Hated to give it up but I torture myself in so many other ways I don't really need one more.
Huge bummer and my sympathies if it turns out that something in the soap rules it out for you. I love NO so would definitely try a couple other versions (at minimum Bare) to see if it's scent or base related.

I kept banging my head against Truefitt & Hill Apsley until I finally accepted that it really *was* the source of burning for me. I never encountered anything like it. Hated to give it up but I torture myself in so many other ways I don't really need one more.
Funny you mention Truefitt and Hill. It just reminded me I bought their sample pack with I think 5 different cream and after shave samples and I didn't have a reaction to any.
Yes, that does make sense that maybe the razor intensifies the reaction. I'm keen on the other NO offerings but again hesitant to try after my experience with this one. I will try and get hold of bare which I don't seem to find in UK. In the meantime I will try a few other brands, A&E. Phoenix Artisans, moon soaps etc. and see how I get on with them.

If I experienced this when I first started DE shaving I would have assumed this is the norm and would not have continued
You can try other Otter scents via samples from Maggards, as well as many other brands. A&E is a good choice.

No idea what shipping to UK would be.
I experience mild burning with certain oils or fragrances

To date, I have found them with:
  • Pinnacle's Hiro
  • Pinnacle's Japanese Plum
  • A&E's Asian Plum
  • Capt Choice Land Ho!
I would reckon there is something to do with plum in each of these, yet I can eat plums all day long :001_wub:
That’s a shame Noble otter is a great soap and their description of that scent sounds wonderful. I use them myself.

I get the same with arko and palmolive. It’s funny as I tried the arko blue in a tube and it worked fine, finished the tube. Tried the green for a few shaves no problem either, put it away for a while.

Then I tried the arko stick. Rashes and dry skin across the jaw line. Let it rest a few weeks and tried again, a bit red so I tossed it.

Came back to the arko tube I stored away, guess what, a little tingle around the jaw line, finished the shave and tossed it.

It’s a shame as the arko was inexpensive and added to a great shave.

Kind of made me realize that my stocking up on soaps that I do like may someday cause me irritation.
Stronger reaction for me has been Cattie’s Bubbles, however the burning sensation was immediate. PAA Diver Down produces the same but only in my lower lip
I tried a&e vanille de tabac and PAA harvest moon.

No burning issues with either so I ordered a bunch of them.

It must something in the NO ingredients that created a reaction. I wish I knew what
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