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Buying Schmitz & Bosch Tools From UK or DE

Gents, I have been in a serious hand tool withdrawl/craving or whatever you care to call it. I have been wanting some great quality precision pliers for awhile now and though there are some other choices available I have kind of set my sights on some Schmitz models. The main issue is USA distribution. As in there isn't any. Not officially anyway. Schmitz also makes the product for a good many other brands but you have a hard time tell which model is which. Anyroad, I can buy from them directly if I want a model that is in their web site store. Many of those models do not have the serrated jaws I want for the work I do. They make them but if not listed as single items in their on site store, you have to order something like six pliers to get them to make the deal.

So I trundled over to Amazon UK and DE sites and found a few dozen listed items but hardly any were available to the States. Could some of you UK or Deutsch lads point me toward some of your online retailers of hand tools? I can check from there about shipping concerns but simply don't know where to start. And if they happen to sell Bosch power tools so much the better. For some reason Bosch sees fit to deny us Americans the full catalogue of their tools. http://www.schmitz-zangen.de/index.php?lang=engl
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