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Best Product For A Hangover

Alcoholic here.

Tylenol or Aspirin the day after is about the worst thing you can do. Very hard on the liver.

For me nothing truly works except time. Water, Gatorade, neither fixes or prevents it from me.

The closest thing I've found is jumping into a nice cold salt water pool on a hot day
I drink a bottle of spring water after every oz of liquor ... as a proactive measure to stay hydrated.

An Alka-Seltzer during the middle of the night was good too when I was young and foolish and got commode hugging drunk.
I do not take acetaminophen with alcohol.
As I recall the worst hangovers were from some mixed drink that had citrus juice mixed with it...wowser!

Pacing myself and drinking water between pours works for me......
It's years ago that I had a hangover. But drinking lots of water, and taking a paracetamol, probably worked best for me.

The "best" thing about a hangover is that it reminds you again why drinking too much is a bad idea :wink2:
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Magners Irish Cider poured into a glass of ice. It's cool, has a tinge of the hair of the dog and very drinkable. Right as rain in no time


Needs milk and a bidet!
drink a glass of water with every alcoholic drink. You'll hit the bathroom often but you won't be hungover in the morning (so they say)

I usually down some water before bed and some advil. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

If i wake up reallllyy hungover I'm down for the day. I'll pop advil and drink water or Vitamin water if I have it.
I don't drink anymore due to hangovers, but my wife drinks on occasion. She uses the proactive approach of drinking water with alcohol. When that doesn't work and she ends up with a hangover, I go get her a "Super Punch Plus" from Smoothie King.


Strawberries, Bananas, Papaya Juice Blend, Electrolyte Mix

She says that it helps.
Alcoholic here.

Tylenol or Aspirin the day after is about the worst thing you can do. Very hard on the liver.

For me nothing truly works except time. Water, Gatorade, neither fixes or prevents it from me.

The closest thing I've found is jumping into a nice cold salt water pool on a hot day

I tended to use Advil after a hangover but since alcohol and NSAIDs are both hard on the stomach I would not suggest this cure on a regular basis or if you are prone to stomach bleeding/ulcers.

To respond to a couple of ancient posts in this thread I haven't consumed alcohol since late October 2006 myself. Before that I drank anywhere from a fifth to a half gallon of hard liquor or a 30 pack of beer in a night at least three times a week. If I had to work I would try to keep it to a half of a fifth but I was definitely a daily drinker. I estimate I spent over $100K just on alcohol in my lifetime. Needless to say my liver looks like a road map of Los Angeles or Chicago. Occasionally I am tempted to drink but just need to remember that my health is still affected from my past heavy drinking and that if I start back where I left off I would be dead within a year or two.

Definitely combining alcohol and Tylenol is a no-no. That will ruin your kidneys in no time. Even without alcohol docs like to limit Tylenol consumption to less than 1,000 mg a day long-term (Vicodin and Norco come in a pill mixed with hydrocodone and Tylenol by DEA decree rather than just hydrocodone alone so drug addicts that take it over recommended dosages die from kidney failure quickly rather than just get high). Short-term the FDA recommends less than 4,000mg a day consumption. Luckily I don't have the same feelings from pain meds that I do from alcohol and have no desire to take them in excess (and maybe I learned my lesson from past repeated over consumption of alcohol to know I don't want to go there again).


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Reminds me of what Frank Sinatra said of non drinkers, that he pities them because when they get up in the morning, that's the best they are going to feel all day (where as the drinker will feel better later)!
Thread from the dead...:biggrin1:

You just know duckdown was searching B&B for hangover cures :laugh:

Here's my cure: drink one glass of this stuff before bed and one upon waking up. If you can get some sort of noodle soup in you too, that'll fix it. The single best hangover remedy I ever used was a bowl of pho and a large Vietnamese iced coffee.
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I recommend a shot of Fernet Branca for a hangover.

As for shaving, this is a tough one. I rarely suffer from hangovers and when I do I typically do not shave. But I'm thinking I would use my mildest razor (Tech for me), Clean and Clear Morning Burst face wash to really wake me up a bit. I'd probably lay down an extra layer of presave oil then pick the thickest lather I have. One pass, if I could get away with it, might be enough for that day. Maybe I'd just use the Fusion.
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