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Advice needed: red tip is too aggressive with feather, what else can I try?

Well, given the recent flooding of red tips, I purchased one for a great price of just AU$25 inc. shipping. :thumbup1:

I used my astra blades and it is great but I require a bit more work given my beard is quite tough. I put my feather blade in it and it was sharp as but too aggressive, I got a couple of small nics and irritation all over!

Which other razor is slightly less aggressive than the red tip in which I can use a feather blade? I think im after something about 25% less aggressive than the red tip (which will rule out tech's etc).
Nav, don't give up on the red tip and feather. If you've gotten used to another, less aggressive razor, you probably have also been using more pressure then what the combo needs. Give your skin a chance to heal and try it again in a week or two but with less pressure. If you're not happy after that the regular '40's or flair tip Super Speed should fit the bill.

Blade/razor combo's are going to vary greatly from one individual to another, so really you may want to experiment.

First up, if it worked pretty well with the Astra, are you sure it might not be okay with yet another blade? If the Feather was fresh, is it possible it was a rough blade? (It could happen even with a quality blade like Feather). Have you considered trying to cork the blade? Have you looked at your perp? Technique?

Just some additional thoughts. Sounds like you were close enough that the Red Tip should be workable for you in some fashion. Of course, the standard Super Speed was suggested above too... and it is supposed be just a bit less aggressive than the Red Tip. Can't say from experience, as the Red tip is one of my razors I've not yet had a chance to try out.
Many people find the Feather blade smoother on the second shave. I say try again with the wisdom gained from the first shave.

- Chris
I got such a raw face from a red tip and a Feather, I never tried that combo again. :eek:

I'd try a blade that isn't quite so sharp.
Thanks guys.

Further info: the blade was actually used for 4 shaves in the red tip, so it went from super sharp (I got many cuts) to the fourth shave, minimal cuts but still lots of irritation.

Prep etc was per usual, no changes there after a year of DE shaving so I wouldn't say that is the problem.

I actually get a great shave with Astra blades and red tip combo but it seems like extra work to get BBS. I love the feathers behave in my slim adj set at 2, very smooth but not very close...I up it to 3 and then its too aggressive...very annoying!

So, the non-coloured flair tip is not as aggressive?
You might give the Red Tip and a Red Pack Personna blade a try. I like that combo. I also like to combine the Red Tip and a Gillette 7 o'clock Green blade. Don't give up on the Red Tip. It's a great razor...
You might give the Red Tip and a Red Pack Personna blade a try. I like that combo. I also like to combine the Red Tip and a Gillette 7 o'clock Green blade. Don't give up on the Red Tip. It's a great razor...

The red packs have become a bit too dull for me. I used to love them but they are just not sharp enough, the astra blades are much sharper IMO.

Ill probably need a blade between astra and feather or a different razor to use feathers in, I really like feather blades and if I can get a razor to match, that would be great.
The red packs have become a bit too dull for me. I used to love them but they are just not sharp enough, the astra blades are much sharper IMO.

Ill probably need a blade between astra and feather or a different razor to use feathers in, I really like feather blades and if I can get a razor to match, that would be great.

I haven't tried either of these blades, but I read that Gillette 7AM yellows are almost as sharp as feathers but smoother. Also, Kai blades are also Japanese blades and apparently not quite as sharp as feathers but very close as well. I would assume they're sharper than Astra's, but I haven't tried them so it's just an assumption.
Shark blades I've found about as sharp as a Feather, but in my experience not as smooth. However that could be reversed for you depending on the YMMV factor, so they might work well for you. Or try the Feather in a standard Flare Tip.

Yes, the Red Tip was designed to be a bit more aggressive than the standard Flare Tip.
You can just practice and teach yourself to use a lighter touch and in a few months the combination won't effect your skin as much, much like using a straight razor with practice. If that's not something you want to do a metal Tipped SS would work for you, or something like an adjustable on a lower setting.
Many people find the Feather blade smoother on the second shave. I say try again with the wisdom gained from the first shave.

- Chris

+1; my experience exactly! Not bad on the first shave in my Tech, but much smoother on the second. And use no pressure.
The Red Tip is really not that aggressive but it is compared to an adjustable set on 2 or 3, your technique will take some adjustment if you prepared to persevere and use a lather with a denser consistency for more cushion.
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