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Thick or thin cream

Hi ive got a silly question...

I have just started DE shaving and I have gone all out! You know... Brush, english shaving cream, crome razor etc,

Im having a little diffiulty with making good consistent lather, and was wondering, if it os better to have a thicker lather than a runny lather.

Also what texture should the lather feel like between your fingers to indicate a gokd lather.

Any advice or tips will be greatly appreciated.

Runny is generally no good, but I'm of the opinion that most newbies probably make their lather too thick rather than too thin. If it has stiff peaks and looks like whipped cream or Cool Whip, it probably needs just a little bit more water.

IMO, your lather should always look shiny.
I like my lather thick. I feel I get better cushion this way. As kingfisher mentioned, runny lather is generally no good, but some peopla may actually like it. Just remember that your cream/soap can probably handle more water that you think. Making practice lather always helps.
Thanks guys.. Yeh i have been practising quite abit. I might try face lathering to see if that helps with my lather making skills.

I have only tried hand and bowl lathering so far.

I never thought that lather making would be the most difficult part of DE shaving for me. But it is!! Feel like an idiot mainly because im not realy sure exactly how a good lather should feel on my face.

I might just be over thinking it.

I like my lather to be on the thick side. But not so thick that you are just pushing softened soap around your face!

I think (... dare I say this ...) you need to aim for a slimy consistency. Others have more diplomatically called it yoghurt-like.
My Criteria for Judging Lather.

  • Judge lather by its QUALITY, not its QUANTITY.
  • Any lather that doesn't make direct contact with your whiskers is a moot point.
  • If it gives you a good shave, then its good lather.

I prefer my lather on the thin, runny side. For some creams, like Musgo Real, I mix it so thin that it almost falls off my face.

I keep mixing until the bubbles disappear. I rub it in well, and let it sit for a minute or so prior to the 1st pass. I add more water before I apply the razor ... and even more water when I get ready for the next pass.
You'll get a feel for making a good lather eventually, but looking for bubbles on the base of the brush always works for me.
I like the lather to be thick and cushiony.

For a starter I recommend the following:

Use enough product! (The SCAD will enable anyway, so there's no point to restrain yourself :biggrin1:).
It's easier to figure out when you use too much than too little.

Use a shaving bowl. It's easier to mix properly and add the right amount of water.

Experiment a bit using the same cream.

Keep using one cream until you got it right.
Thanks for the reply guys. I suppose il learn by doing. So gona keep trying. Ive got TOBS avacado and Coates tea tree creams.

Two good creams i think for a beginner.

Hopefully the face lather tomorow will help me improve my skills.


What really helped me with the my lathering skills was this post.


There is nothing wrong with just making a test batch of lather to get your technique down. Personally I give me EJ best badger brush one good shake then dump the water out of the bowl. Also since I don't have a tube I just lightly run my brush across my cream which spreads out about an almond size and I go to work. Look for good peaks when you pull your brush out of the cream after about 30-40 seconds. Practice makes perfect :thumbup:
Well ive just tried face lather. Whilst it did help me establish how i want a lather to feel during a shave I do not like the method. Abit too messy for my liking.

So i tried the bowl agen and got a perfect lather!! Woohoo. The trick for any newbie looking on this thread is that add very little water gradualy. Litteraly a few drops at a time.

It took a while but i got the perfect lather. Man this DE shaving lark is easy peasy. Within three days im getting good shaves. Woohoo again!!!

If only everything else in life came easy as this to me.


Thanks for all your help guys. Very much appreciated.
In my experiences, there is a unique balance that is part best practice and part preference.

For me, if it's thick like whipped cream, it's too thick and I feel like the razor gets lost when shaving but some of that might just be my technique. Too wet seems ineffective. I prefer something along the consistency of milk froth - a little bubbly and delicate but not too rich.
Well ive just tried face lather. Whilst it did help me establish how i want a lather to feel during a shave I do not like the method. Abit too messy for my liking.

So i tried the bowl agen and got a perfect lather!! Woohoo. The trick for any newbie looking on this thread is that add very little water gradualy. Litteraly a few drops at a time.

It took a while but i got the perfect lather. Man this DE shaving lark is easy peasy. Within three days im getting good shaves. Woohoo again!!!

If only everything else in life came easy as this to me.


Thanks for all your help guys. Very much appreciated.

That is great news!
Actually you did very good. Face lathering gives you an idea how you would like your lather to be.
And bowl lathering gives you more control. I still do the same thing you did, adding drops of water at a time.

I guess you will enjoy your shaves now.
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