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Are You Mocked For Your Shaving Choice and Hobby?

As the title says, are you mocked, teased, kidded, ridiculed because of your decision to use and perhaps (probably) collect DE blades and safety razors, soaps and creams and brushes?
I'm about 6 months into this journey and I'm surprised that if I mention my newest passion to friends or relatives, they give me a thousand-yard stare and sort of mutter, "Mmmmm. Well, okay."
I've added a birth year and other vintage Gillettes to my little razor arsenal and you would think people would at least appreciate the historical aspects of it. But noooooo! They kind of clear their throats and switch the subject to sports or something. 🤣
Even my wife, who isn't retired yet or have any real hobbies, rolls her eyes when I bring up a new purchase.
"That's nice, dear." 🙄
I mean, I'm only being half serious here. I don't really care all that much what people think. I got over that years ago, when I was in my youth. But nonetheless, I'm a little surprised that more people, particularly men, don't express at least some interest in me choosing safety razors over cartridges or electric shavers after all these years. I'm the naturally curious type, so had I been engaged in a conversation with someone about the subject years ago, I would have been all ears.
So here I am being curious again, wondering if any of you guys find that your friends have zero interest in this hobby/pursuit/interest or if you've been joined in brotherhood with a friend or two or if you just reached the conclusion years ago that we're all anomalies in this modern age of plastic razors and left it at that. 🤣
In my career I had dealing with people who had weird hobbies, and collections.

Sometimes I would say to self that person has weird vocation, hobby, or weird collection.

Those people paid my bills. That was good thing.

Side note was ever job was interesting, met some very unique people.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
None of my friends have even the slightest interest in my hobby. The lovely eyes of my lovely wife glaze over the moment I begin speaking about traditional shaving, or anything else for that matter. By contrast I am expected to pay very close attention to her discussion of needlework, cookery, shoes, or handbags 🤣


Girls call me Makaluod
Almost as soon as I took up straight razor shaving, I was ostracized from society and lost all my friends. If it wasn't for my dog, I would be totally alone.

It is not that I even mention my addiction. People see it in my smooth glowing complexion and subtle satisfied smile on my face.
I can't think of having one conversation about shaving with any of my friends before I took up traditional wet shaving. Why would I think that would change when I turned it into a hobby. If it were to come up in a conversation fine but Im not going out of my way. At least I got B&B for an outlet.


Likes a fat handle in his hand
As the title says, are you mocked, teased, kidded, ridiculed because of your decision to use and perhaps (probably) collect DE blades and safety razors, soaps and creams and brushes?

Yep, all the time!

In my career I had dealing with people who had weird hobbies, and collections.

Here's the way that I look at it. If I don't judge them, I'd prefer to not be judged by them. Do I necessarily care if everybody I know shares my interests in traditional wet shaving? No! But would I prefer to not be ostracized for such interests? Absolutely!

By contrast I am expected to pay very close attention to her discussion of needlework, cookery, shoes, or handbags 🤣

Exactly! Why do you think I am still single? Equality never is a 2-way street when it comes to our interests lol.

Almost as soon as I took up straight razor shaving, I was ostracized from society and lost all my friends.

This is how you find out who your true friends are. If they decide that you are not worth their time, after discussing your interests in traditional wet shaving, then they are not worth any of your energy spent on them. Then again, maybe they think your interests in straight razors, is like your version of Sling Blade. It may not have no gas in it, but it sure packs a wallop when you screw up with it.

I can't think of having one conversation about shaving with any of my friends before I took up traditional wet shaving. Why would I think that would change when I turned it into a hobby.

Sadly, most folks consider shaving a chore, so they can't even possibly imagine, how shaving could ever be fun. This is because they have been doing shaving the wrong way for all their life, and they simply haven't had a chance to do shaving, in a much better way. Once they have had a chance to pamper themselves with a DE shave, using a nice brush, nice tallow shave soap, the luxury, the facial pampering, the removal of whisker insurgence, its a magical feeling.

Welcome to my world, brother.:lol:

When it comes to the arts of traditional wet shaving, it is in my most humble opinion, that we are all brother's here. :thumbup1:
I used to get bugged by it but now I(!) am the first one to bust someone’s chops about it!

I guess it’s because I have come full circle, Barbasol and a Mach 3, leaving the goatee intact, which is what I did for YEARS.

I wasted a lot of time and money on this “hobby” only later to realize I was trying to fill a gap in my life, which no hobby will really do.

Now if you are getting great shaves with a vintage razor and making lather with a $300 Simpsons brush then good for you. With that said:


As the title says, are you mocked, teased, kidded, ridiculed because of your decision to use and perhaps (probably) collect DE blades and safety razors, soaps and creams and brushes?
I'm about 6 months into this journey and I'm surprised that if I mention my newest passion to friends or relatives, they give me a thousand-yard stare and sort of mutter, "Mmmmm. Well, okay."
I've added a birth year and other vintage Gillettes to my little razor arsenal and you would think people would at least appreciate the historical aspects of it. But noooooo! They kind of clear their throats and switch the subject to sports or something. 🤣
Even my wife, who isn't retired yet or have any real hobbies, rolls her eyes when I bring up a new purchase.
"That's nice, dear." 🙄
I mean, I'm only being half serious here. I don't really care all that much what people think. I got over that years ago, when I was in my youth. But nonetheless, I'm a little surprised that more people, particularly men, don't express at least some interest in me choosing safety razors over cartridges or electric shavers after all these years. I'm the naturally curious type, so had I been engaged in a conversation with someone about the subject years ago, I would have been all ears.
So here I am being curious again, wondering if any of you guys find that your friends have zero interest in this hobby/pursuit/interest or if you've been joined in brotherhood with a friend or two or if you just reached the conclusion years ago that we're all anomalies in this modern age of plastic razors and left it at that. 🤣
Take my advice. Do not talk to others about your DE razors and blades. Ever!

We have B&B for that purpose.
No one I know cares in the least. Of course, they'd get the same treatment from me if they starting talking about their favorite sports team, fishing gear, or the differences in various wine. Polite acknowledgement and change of conversation is what I'd expect and what I'd give.
As the title says, are you mocked, teased, kidded, ridiculed because of your decision to use and perhaps (probably) collect DE blades and safety razors, soaps and creams and brushes?
I'm about 6 months into this journey and I'm surprised that if I mention my newest passion to friends or relatives, they give me a thousand-yard stare and sort of mutter, "Mmmmm. Well, okay."
I've added a birth year and other vintage Gillettes to my little razor arsenal and you would think people would at least appreciate the historical aspects of it. But noooooo! They kind of clear their throats and switch the subject to sports or something. 🤣
Even my wife, who isn't retired yet or have any real hobbies, rolls her eyes when I bring up a new purchase.
"That's nice, dear." 🙄
I mean, I'm only being half serious here. I don't really care all that much what people think. I got over that years ago, when I was in my youth. But nonetheless, I'm a little surprised that more people, particularly men, don't express at least some interest in me choosing safety razors over cartridges or electric shavers after all these years. I'm the naturally curious type, so had I been engaged in a conversation with someone about the subject years ago, I would have been all ears.
So here I am being curious again, wondering if any of you guys find that your friends have zero interest in this hobby/pursuit/interest or if you've been joined in brotherhood with a friend or two or if you just reached the conclusion years ago that we're all anomalies in this modern age of plastic razors and left it at that. 🤣

I just snicker at their salt and pepper shaker collection. Bonus if they have a souvenir spoon collection.

...but seriously: I try to be an ambassador. I've offered razors, soaps and brushes to every male member of my family who has visited, and commented on my display of razors in our guest bathroom.

I've asked my wife repeatedly if she wants to try a DE on her legs. I figure it's better (and easier) if she's an accomplice. So far, she doesn't seem interested, so I bribe her with shoes and purses.
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I don't really talk about it with anyone, so my wife is really the only one aware.

If someone happened to notice any of my gear and initiated a conversion, I'd be happy to talk about it more, but I'm assuming most people would have little to no interest.
I usually get two different kind of answers.

1. “Honey, you bought another razor? Don’t you have enough for the rest of your life? How many more do you want?”

2. After I explain to friends different pros of straight razors, DE, blades, brushes and soaps, my friends usually reply: “oh, okay. I use a cheap Gillette from the supermarket and a can of foam. It does the job and is cheap. Why would I do it differently?”
my friends usually reply: “oh, okay. I use a cheap Gillette from the supermarket and a can of foam. It does the job and is cheap. Why would I do it differently?”
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