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Why do so many people have so many blades???

OK, I do get wanting some variety. I just started about a month ago and I can already see that different blades have different characteristics. Then, different blades perform differently in different razors. So, I can see having 2-5 favorites on hand. So, my question isn't really about that.

Why when so many people go 5-10 shaves or more with the same blade, and many people don't shave daily (or nearly everyday), do so many people buy multiple hundred packs? I have gone 3-5 shaves so far before I decide to go to a new blade to insure I'm not introducing variables (a dull blade) other than the blade itself, the razor, and my technique while I figure out what I like, but with some I am sure it would have easily gone more. Ok, so if we assume you only go 3-4 shaves per blade, and you shave daily, 100 blades is still a years worth of shaves.

OK, fine, when the price of blades in bulk is so low, there is no real value in buying smaller amounts. When a 5 blade tuck of most brands online is $3-5, 15-25 is around $5-6, and 100 is around $10 (and rarely more than $15). If you are going to use them, buying in 100 blade packs is definitely more economical. I can certainly see buying 100 of 2 or 3 of your favorites (that is several years worth), but for others you use less often, the small savings of buying a smaller amount, that will still last a long time, is still a savings. When some people have 100-200 of many different blades, I don't get it (when will you ever use them all).

Anyway, for my real question... I'm not questioning anyone who likes to collect blades. There are many reasons someone might: they may gift their favorites to people to try or several to new shavers to try some variety, they may want variety and the prices are low enough to buy enough of your lesser used blades to have a lifetime supply (so why not), several hundred of several of your favorites can be a lifetime supply (at a reasonable price) so why not guard against a favorite being discontinued or a change in quality, etc...

I don't see myself buying several hundred of a bunch of razor blades. I see maybe buying 100 of 2 or 3 of my favorites that I expect to stay constant favorites after I've sampled several blades to see what my favorites truly are. I may buy 20-50 of my next 3 or 4 favorites for variety (and what is on my list for those next 3 or 4 will probably periodically change).

So, is it too early to buy a 100 pack? While I am still sampling (I do have a 16 blade sampler, one blade each, though I've been going with 5-20 of blades I want to try), I do have 2 (out of the 4 I've tried) that I expect to stay on my list a long time. I didn't like the Derby much, I liked the Shark SC a lot, and I am loving the Astra SP and the Personna Red. Is it too early to buy a 100 pack of one or both? I want to buy more Astras, and I'm looking at about $6 for 20 or 30 (depending upon the seller) and about $12 for 100. Or, at this point, should I just be buying variety to see what I like?
There are times when it just seems to make economic sense to buy blades in bulk. For example, I like Personna Labs and Med Prep blades. When I bought them I bought them in quantity to save on shipping costs and because of the rumors they would not be made again. However, at one time a razor I purchased came with five Lord blades. I tried them and liked them. I did some research and found they were quite reasonable. I then bought 100 each of the SS, Platinum, and Chrome blades. When I bought my Feather AS-D2 razor it came with Feather blades. I did not try the Feather blades right away but rather used other blades. I was about to sell the razor but decided to try the Feather blades. They were terrific in the razor and so I bought 100 of those.

I don't see myself buying several hundred of a bunch of razor blades. I see maybe buying 100 of 2 or 3 of my favorites that I expect to stay constant favorites after I've sampled several blades to see what my favorites truly are. I may buy 20-50 of my next 3 or 4 favorites for variety (and what is on my list for those next 3 or 4 will probably periodically change).

You just described me. It's never to early to buy a 100 pack if your technique is good. You really don't have to try 500 different kinds of blades to know what you like.
My general advice about what you are noticing is to say that since this is an enthusiasts forum you can therefore take what others do with a grain of salt especially if it seems extreme to you. :)

Much of what you read is extreme for many of us as well. That's OK but to your specific point just do what seems reasonable to you. There are people who own so many blades that you will find threads about how to store them all without them possible going bad and oxidizing before they can be used. :)

We all go a little extremes in various aspects of our hobbies and shaving is no different.:)

I did as you are doing. I bought 100 (twice) of Astras since they were $10 shipped for 100 and they shaved well. Later I tried a bunch of different blades and smaller amounts of a couple of other blades and ended up mainly using Gillette Silver Blue when I use DE's to shave with (I often use a straight razor).

The same question and advice could apply to soaps, brushes, straight razors, hones, etc.
I'm one of those with thousands of blades. The only real truthful answer I can give you as to why I got so many is that I can and wanted to.
Other than that, it's nice to know that I will never run out of blades in my lifetime.
I can sort of justify it by claiming that I'm really buying for three people (myself + son + daughter), but really, I think it's more likely that I don't want to find myself in a position where my favourite blades stop being produced and I don't have any. Plus, they're pretty cheap so it's a great way to keep trying new things.
I too am one with thousands of blades. The reason is it is cheaper to buy them in bulk and I like to try new blades. I am fortunate because I haven't found a blade I could not use. I won't live long enough to use them all but by the time that comes I will have bigger problems.
I too like a bit of variety as much as the next man, and when all is said and done I've probably got enough different blades to last me through a zombie apocalypse, but...
There are a lot of blades in my rotation - (10 +/-) that are ok as daily beaters, but once they're gone, they're gone
Eventually I'm planning to keep just a few of my favourites as my main stock and a few of the best of the daily beaters
Ultimately I want to thin out my rotation to less than 10 different blades

Meanwhile, I'll always bulk buy when I see a good deal on eBay, keep a few tucks for myself and part out the rest to get my money back - asset stripping at it's best
I started buying in 100s because blades are cheaper in bulk and a big part of the cost is postage. Also, laying out less than £10 is not a big financial decision and it's something I was used to doing every few months with cartridges. Plus a few hundred blades doesn't take up a lot of storage space. So why not?
The unit cost is much cheaper, so it makes economic sense. I have several hundred blades, of different varieties, which should see me through the next five years and a bit.

Plus, I'm damned if I'm going to die before I finish my blades, so having more blades gives me an incentive to live longer:302:
My general advice about what you are noticing is to say that since this is an enthusiasts forum you can therefore take what others do with a grain of salt especially if it seems extreme to you.

I suppose so. I've only been at this for a month and I have two razors and three more on the way and three brushes with one on the way (and I'm eyeing a few more of each). I have well over 60 pipes, and I haven't smoked one in 2 years (I keep trying to sell most of them and I just can't), I have about a dozen watches and knives, and don't ask about the guns. To some I'm a nutty collector type, to others, I'm an amateur.

So, to the "real" original question, is it too early to pick up 100 of one of my two favorites? :)

There was a time when blades were in every Grocery store. Then, they quit carrying them and then we had to go to the Drug store. Then, they quit carrying them. The internet existed, but no commercial sites were on it yet. So, what we do now was not an option. What to do?

One either submitted to the razor makers and switched to carts, or one found the local surgical supply shop. They had Personna blades. Med Preps in the white boxes, or Laboratory blades in the blue boxes. They both came in 100 piece packs in a carton of 10 packs. A carton was the minimum purchase. Yes, 1000 blades at a time. I am still using blades that came from a carton....

The other makes of blades I see these days look to be display units for stores. Low count packs on a poster board meant to be hung up somewhere. The way many of the blades were found in the drug stores long ago. So, that would explain the 100 packs. Either in a box or on a card.

I miss the 15 count dispensers, though. I did save a couple and reload them from the bulk supply when they run out. Old Schick ones are pretty easy to reload.

Anyway, if one is looking for 'their' blade, and the qty is 100 at a time, then one is naturally going to acquire a lot of blades. That is not automatically a bad thing, since razors tend to work better with certain blades, and then one can pair things up.

There is also the thought of a Shavepocalypse where blades Go Away. So, having a large stock would be a good thing. I can say that is no longer a worry. It already occurred and we are on the back side of it today. ;)

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I've purchased two 100-packs: Personna (because they were cheap) and Feather (because they're very, very good). If I could go back in time, I wouldn't buy the Personnas.
Just about any average blade will shave the cheek area. I look for blades that shave the chin & neck area really well. So far the picks for my beard type are GSB, Astra SS, Indian Wilki & Voskhod. I then buy 100 of each because prices are going to rise in the future. :18:
I have somewhere around 150 now, I think. I buy my three favorites in lots of 50 or 100 to save money, and usually throw in a handful of more expensive tucks for variety, and to indulge myself.
So, is it too early to buy a 100 pack?

A month is early, I think. Have you found THE blade? Or do you want to start hoarding blades early?

I've only bought one box of 100 ct blades, Personna Lab Blues, and that was mainly to support my local brick and mortar barber supply store, Norva Barber Supply. I have yet to open the box, though I like Personna.

Most of my 400 plus blades are in 5 and 10 count tucks. I'm coming up to two years since engaging in the hobby (Thirty five years of shaving, two as a shaving enthusiast:001_smile) and there are still blades I haven't tried. And because I'm interested in extending the use--the longevity--of my blades, and getting twenty+ shaves per blade, I doubt I'll use up the blades I have.
I find it cheaper to offset shipping costs by buying in large quantities. l purchased 500 voskhod blades last year for about 35 dollars shipped. They took about 3 weeks to arrive. I sold 4 packs for about 13 dollars each, but paid 2 dollars and change to ship each order. l made a very modest profit on the 400 l sold and got the hundred l kept for a lower price than it would have cost if l only purchased 100.
I usually buy blades by the hundred to save on the "per blade" cost. As a result, I occasionally wind up with a large number of blades I don't particularly like. That's no problem. I give them to friends or PIF them to strangers. It's a pretty inexpensive extravagance.
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