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American Idol....who Do You Think ????

who will be kicked off next ????


i love the legs !!!

mark tssb
The legs may have saved her for another week. Wow, has she changed her look in a few short weeks. Simon approved. For the record, I only watch the show for time with the wife.
Haley will coast for a few weeks on the hot factor. Droves of text-messaging teenage boys will will keep it up for weeks (pun intended).
Well crap. I was really hoping that tripe wouldn't make it to the forum but I guess it's taking over the universe. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually had people with original talent. I don't really consider any of them musicians. Any monkey can learn how to sing someone else's song pretty well. How about writing and playing your own music? American Idol is a Karaoke contest at best and at it's worst promotes cruelty, humiliation, shallowness, mediocrity and false idols. In my opinion, it is one of the underlying problems with our society today. I just can't bring myself to watch it. I'd rather read about wet-shaving!

So obviously, I've seen the show before. Even this season, and I like Chris Sligh.
For lot's of reasons really but mainly because he's got a good personality and seems to be able to sing a little, AND he doesn't fit the cookie cutter "American NO-talent Pop-Idol Barbie doll hack" that has been thrust upon us by the main stream music industry (see Brittany Spears for example).
So, then...you don't like American Idol?
I think it would be great if votefortheworst and Howard Stern can bring Sanjaya to victory!

It will never happen. The guy can never be marketed. They'll buy him off to bow out. He'll claim he knows he's not that good, go all humble and modest on everyone and then do a better William Hung.
I learned about that website by catching the tail end of a news story. Apparently it has already had major impact on the England version.


Blake Lewis

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 25
Hometown: Bothell, WA

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Mack the Knife'
My grade: B

Recap: With his goofy grin, his Elroy Jetson haircut, off-the-beat dancing and limited vocal range, Blake is a classic case of selling persona over talent. But I was surprised by his version of 'Mack The Knife'. Not the most technically demanding range is needed for the melody (and range is not something Blake possesses). While obviously not grasping just exactly what the lyrics meant, he remained fairly faithful to the arrangement, adding nothing new to it. His trouble with the high notes, though, was blatant as per usual.

My prediction: 'I Wished On The Moon', but you're safe.

Video: Buzz Session


Phil Stacey

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 29
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Night and Day'
My grade: B

Recap: Skinny and hairless with big ears does NOT a young Sinatra make, Paula, but this season has proved an abnormally lucid one for you, so I'll forgive this Zoloft moment. Despite Phil's histrionic revues, he's usually about as dull sonically as his kooky performance art is unsettling. But 'Night and Day' was the polar opposite of his usual vocal tics. Where Tony suggested some snap and crackle, instead of pop Stacy performed it like a church litany on Easter Sunday. I'll debate Bennett's hosanna that Phil is one of the better singers he's heard in a long time, but despite joyless undertones and over pro-nun-ci-a-tion, this was one of Phil's better nights.

My prediction: This week you go from 'Rags to Riches': Safe.
Expert predictions: Entertainment Weekly, Los Angeles Times, MTV News, TV Guide and Yahoo! TV all think that Phil will soon be spending more time with his baby at home.

Video: Buzz Session


Melinda Doolittle

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 29
Hometown: Brentwood, TN

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'I Got Rhythm'
My grade: A-

Recap: When Tony Bennett affirms that you have a big chance in this business, I'd say pack your bags and get into a recording studio, pronto. Melinda was clearly in her element, even snazzying up her look a modicum. Sung with uncomplicated effortlessness, her crystalline vocals hit every half note, grasped every nuance and killed every tricky time-signature alteration –- she came our swinging like the great interpreter she is.

My prediction: 'How Do You Keep the Music Playing?' all the way to the top: Safe!

Video: Buzz Session


Chris Richardson

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 22
Hometown: Chesapeake, VA

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Don't Get Around Much Anymore'
My grade: B-

Recap: Miraculous. Not that Chris' performance was all that revelatory; it's a miracle because for the first time in weeks, I didn't want to stab my ears with a pen after suffering through a Richardson number. Garbed like he spelunked the bins at the Salvation Army, Chris revealed how hairy he actually was, giving him a whole new fan base in the bear community. But I digress. Like a passable lead in a bar mitzvah cover band, he frolicked through the melody sufficient enough, and I have to give him props for staying, for the most part, on key, but the judges' response that he kept it "hip" and "cool" were inaccurate. The fact that he didn't modernize it saved it from being heinous. As did his lack of ruinous runs.

My prediction: 'If I Ruled the World', you'd be home already. But, safe this week.

Video: Buzz Session


Jordin Sparks

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 17
Hometown: Glendale, AZ

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'On A Clear Day'
My grade: A-

Recap: "Jordin is terrific," so says Bennett, and are we mere mortals to dispute the word of one of the greatest singers in history? I thought not. Watching her exude her magic on stage is always a delight to behold, despite her recent foray into a Mr. Blackwell's fashion abyss (last week, LaBelle's closet, this week serving drinks after hours at La Cirque). But replaying the MP3, you notice the pitch problems more, uh, clearly (no pun intended). While her control over her voice remains a work in progress, tonight she couldn't reach the depth of a few notes she aimed for, and just sang under the right key on others. But, at 17, this girl could be a phenom, and that 11-second final note was a powerhouse.

My prediction: 'The Best is Yet to Come', but this week, it's bottom 3.

Video: Buzz Session


Gina Glocksen

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 22
Hometown: Naperville, IL

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Smile'
My grade: B

Recap: One of Gina's major faux pas is her tendency to sing so over-the-top and so forcefully that she loses whatever shade of character or iota of emotion she's aiming for, and the big notes lie flat. Another problem is that she has no star quality, looking preposterous with her Hot Topic attire, distracting tongue bolt, and the personality of drywall. But she chose to restrain the money shots this week, and what resulted was her most passive, sweetest vocal yet. That signifies zilch, though, because risk is what's needed to advance. Not that she has any chance of victory.

My prediction: 'Put on a Happy Face', you're safe again.

Video: Buzz Session


Sanjaya Malakar

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 17
Hometown: Federal Way, WA

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Cheek to Cheek'
My grade: B-

Recap: "I think you're terrific," Bennett said, as Malakar intoned, "I want to show America that I CAN sing." He was half-successful. Fearing another 'Steppin' Out With My Baby' debacle, my hopes were low for Sanjaya going in to this week's theme, but his 'Cheek to Cheek' wasn't wholly DOA. With no pizzazz or soul, what was heaved was safe enough. The freak parade that's usually on display was AWOL, although with this week's wardrobe, he could double as Mr. Roarke in an all-gay musical version of 'Fantasy Island'. Still, his proof of talent would have been to jazz up his vocals and take a chance with the choreography (and dancing with Paula negates that). Forgo the standards, Sanjaya, I don't care how much Tony Bennett loves you. Although it's what you love, your future depends on the tabloids (but, please avoid Clay Aiken at all costs).

My prediction: 'The Shadow of Your Smile' will keep you around a little longer.

Video: Buzz Session


Haley Scarnato

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 24
Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Ain't Misbehavin''
My grade: C+

Recap: Here's the answer to spurious musical SAT query: Haley is to Jazz as Jessica Simpson is to Streisand. With gams galore and bosom-a-bulgin', she works with what she can, but Haley's song stylings are about as sexy as as lipstick on teeth as she coos this great Fats Waller tune like a rated PG version of "High School Musical." She remains nothing more than a debutante annoyance, drowning in mediocrity another week. She'd best hope her T&A revue helps her out.

My prediction: This might be 'The Boulevard of Broken Dreams': Going home.
Expert prediction: Access Hollywood thinks that Haley and her glittery green get-up will be sent home.

Video: Buzz Session


Lakisha Jones

'American Idol' Finalist
Age: 27
Hometown: Fort Meade, MD

Theme: American Classics
Song: 'Stormy Weather'
My grade: B+

Recap: Sassy maybe, Simon, but flawless it was not. She's no Lena Horne, but not many are. She played with the melody too superfluously, leading her to a momentary lack of direction. Now, that's not to negate her ability to wrap her big lungs so deliciously around the song -- what did work worked in a mammoth way. But, once again ignoring a mentor's advice, she went for her own trick ending, counteracting the grand finale due to her dissipated power. Still, what a sonorous way to close the evening.

My prediction: 'They Can't Take That Away From Me', or can they: Bottom 3!!!

Video: Buzz Session


Chris Sligh


Overall grade: C

Catch ya later, Chris: Oh, Chris. Though not stunned by your bottom three position, I was more than dismayed that America deemed you the least worthy to stick around. (Watch the elimination now.) I've said consistently that you were the best male voice this season, owning a beautiful, pure tone. But you failed to grab the viewers' attention with a rather banal take on a Police classic. It's not the most melodic in their catalogue, but you failed to even stick to their glorious basics. Or, perchance the public became weary of your limping stab at humor, which was part of the endearing package to begin with. I do not have the answers, but I do know this; there's an innate affinity I hold for talented chubby guys (hell, while I wasn't a fan of his attitude, I was a Scott Savol supporter on vocal prowess alone), and I feel your future could be solidified in the Christian Rock market that you adore so much, so don't be distraught. Besides you still have the "Idol" tour to look forward to. I mean, after all, you have God on your side. Right? Right? Hello, is this thing on?!

My prediction: I predicted trouble, but not elimination.
Video: Buzz Session: Final 10

Expert 'Idol' Pool Results
Access Hollywood: 2 (Lakisha)
Entertainment Weekly: 2 (Haley)
LA Times: 1 (Haley)
MTV News: 2 (Chris Sligh)
TV Guide: 1 (Chris Sligh)
Yahoo! TV: 1 (Haley)


Stephanie Edwards


Overall grade: B-

See ya, Stephanie: With an arrangement too prodigious for your voice, you took on Dusty with much elegance and zilch charisma. (Watch the elimination now.) And although it was another predictable ousting this evening, it was still a gloomy sight watching lesser talent (Sanjaya and Haley to name two) being told they advanced to the next round while you were relegated to the bottom two. You were loved right out of the gate, but for weeks you never lived up to your rendition of "How Come You Don't Call Me." While you own a strong, limber ability and are beautiful to behold, it was your failure to bond with any particular audience that signed your exit papers. Do you have what it takes to make it? In a world where the likes of a Ciara or Fergie become multi-platinum artists, I'd say your chances are good. Good luck, Stephanie. In a season of D-List talent, you stood above.

My prediction: I said Stephanie was a goner and I was right again. That's two for two. Take that, experts!
Video: Buzz Session: Final 11

Expert 'Idol' Pool Results
Access Hollywood: 2 (Stephanie)
Entertainment Weekly: 2 (Stephanie)
LA Times: 1 (Phil)
MTV News: 1 (Phil)
TV Guide: 0 (Phil)
Yahoo! TV: 1 (Phil)


Brandon Rogers


Overall grade: C+

Bye-bye Brandon: Even I saw this coming, and that's rare -- ask anyone in my "Idol" office pool. (Watch the elimination now.) When Ryan lined up the bottom three and you were flanked by Phil and Sanjaya, I secretly hoped that my streak of bad predictions would continue. But Brandon, you flubbed the lyrics and you said it yourself (although I said it first) –- forgetting the lyrics is the cardinal "Idol" sin and it's not acceptable at this stage of the game. I still believe that your greatest offense was your lack of passion, which was baffling given your performance background. Maybe you never fully believed you belonged at the forefront and if you can't believe it, how can the audience? It didn't help that you were in the dreaded #1 position, but that performance would have been unforgettable no matter where it fell in the lineup
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