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Are Basic Numbers and Letters Even Taught in School Anymore?

I think we get the education we pay for. Teachers aren’t paid enough to put up with the crap they deal with daily from student’s parents, school admin, and the students themselves. The ones that stick around do it because it’s a calling and they love the students but even that will only take you so far. Most states don’t require a teaching degree anymore to teach, just a 6wk (sometimes less) class on methods of teaching. In my area you don’t even need a degree to be a substitute teacher. Pay the teachers more, let them teach for real instead of just teaching to the standardized tests, and get some productive parental involvement and I think our society will start to get back to where we think it should be.
Whisky, if a pay increase were to make the teaching profession competitive for jobs, and we got better quality teachers out of the deal, then I'd be with you.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
Whisky, if a pay increase were to make the teaching profession competitive for jobs, and we got better quality teachers out of the deal, then I'd be with you.
I don’t think it would solve all the problems, but at least if we paid teachers more than a Wendy’s manager they might stick with the job. Over 40% of new teachers leave the job within 5yrs and that number just keeps climbing.
I read a news story about a guy who had the cops called on him for trying to pass counterfeit currency at a fast food joint.
It was a two dollar bill.
The last time I was in the States, I bought a coffee which was $2 and change. I gave the guy behind the counter a $2 and a $1 coin. He recognised the $1, but said I still owed however many cents. I asked how much I had given him and he said "Two dollars" so I asked him to check again. He seemed to be unfamiliar with US $2 notes. He accepted it after his colleague said it was ok.


My elbows leak
Staff member
The last time I was in the States, I bought a coffee which was $2 and change. I gave the guy behind the counter a $2 and a $1 coin. He recognised the $1, but said I still owed however many cents. I asked how much I had given him and he said "Two dollars" so I asked him to check again. He seemed to be unfamiliar with US $2 notes. He accepted it after his colleague said it was ok.
In fairness, they are not that common.
We've been around the block a few times on the one dollar coin idea with several iterations that just don't seem to be popular.
School curriculum is different today then 50-60's when I went to Elementary to High School. Heck even most school districts do not have inductaral arts like, sewing, cooking, wood, metal, or auto shop. Why liability of some child breaking safety rule, getting hurt, and civil suit.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
School curriculum is different today then 50-60'2 when I went to Elementary to high school. Heck even most school districts do not have wood, metal, or auto shop. Why liability of some child breaking safety rule, getting hurt, and civil suit.
When I was in High School I took a shotgun to metal shop, cut the barrel down to 18 inches and used the drill press and tap/dies to install a new front bead. No one thought it was weird or scary. This was early 90’s.
When I was in High School I took a shotgun to metal shop, cut the barrel down to 18 inches and used the drill press and tap/dies to install a new front bead. No one thought it was weird or scary. This was early 90’s.
Bet you were not inn NYC, or CA. Remember working for GAF had to deliver some Wet Copiers in hood of LA in 1970's. Even back then most LA City High Schools had two Armed District Police on Campus, they're SportCoats and Slacks to blend in. They did not, I was shocked Cops on Campus. School were Dorsey, and Manual Art in Watts.
In fairness, they are not that common.
We've been around the block a few times on the one dollar coin idea with several iterations that just don't seem to be popular.
I was aware the $2 was uncommon. The bank teller told me when I changed a few fiftys (which also seems to be disliked) I was given when I changed euro to dollars. The twos are great for tips though.
On the flip side of things, I know several people twice my age, so in their late 50's/60's, that when they send an email or text message:


Ironically, I have a family member that does this, and she complains kids these days can't write in cursive....
My wife's retirement gig is at a Boys & Girls club. She told me this story just this past Friday. A young boy (I think she said 10-12 years old) asked her the time. She said there's a clock on the wall. The kid said he couldn't read it. Could he see her phone? She said that she'd be happy to teach him how to read the clock, but will not give him her phone or tell him the time.
A couple of things I keep in mind especially about retail or fast food workers is that I don’t expect white glove service from people getting $8 an hour no benefits working under video surveillance. Of course they don’t care I doubt I would either. Tbh be upset with the store or management especially with issue of exact change so you don’t get back pennies. One reason these workers are utterly surprised by the change issue is their age group doesn’t pay cash or use coins. And issues of paying over with coins to get back a specific amount are not part of the textbook or course materials for the MBA training these workers do not receive. 😂 I heard on the radio the other day that the folks at the Golden Arches are using wood as a filler in McNuggets. Wood. It’s mass produced not five star. Do you think they really lose sleep because someone doesn’t get extra mayo? Remember have it your way? Lol. Now that’s funny. One of my last trips to Wally World still cracks me up. At the self checkout the last screen is a star rating. The worker in that area swooped in as that screen popped up and hit 5 stars. I noticed what he did and looked at him. He gave me a knowing look and laughed all I could do was laugh too. I worked a cash register job in the 80s pre scanning. Remember price tags. This was the training I received: stand here. Read the price tag. Push the right buttons. Don’t bother me (I’ll be sleeping in my office) I didn’t realize the sleeping part until much later or that the entire staff was literally robbing the place blind. But I apologize for my rant tangent.
Completely agree. I don't expect excellence from McDonalds. I expect it when I'm spending $100 for my meal. Funny story, my wife and I were having an anniversary dinner at the Chicago 4 Seasons. Our waiter brings out the entrees and sets my wife's in front of me and mine in front of her. I tell him, no, I had such and such. The head waiter IMMEDIATELY pops up and asks if there's a problem. I said, not really, just the wrong plates. He switches them, turns to our waiter and says "that will be all." The head waiter attends to us the rest of our meal and the last time I see our waiter he's bussing.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
My wife's retirement gig is at a Boys & Girls club. She told me this story just this past Friday. A young boy (I think she said 10-12 years old) asked her the time. She said there's a clock on the wall. The kid said he couldn't read it. Could he see her phone? She said that she'd be happy to teach him how to read the clock, but will not give him her phone or tell him the time.
Pity that more folks don't do that.
School curriculum is different today then 50-60's when I went to Elementary to High School. Heck even most school districts do not have inductaral arts like, sewing, cooking, wood, metal, or auto shop. Why liability of some child breaking safety rule, getting hurt, and civil suit.
Wish they would have taught shaving with a straight razor...
Don't even get me started on people who can't tell 🕙 on an analog clock.

I do environmental testing for a living, so we shake-n-bake-n-freeze electronics in my department. Part of that includes thermal cycling boxes and boards at a certain temperature for a certain amount of time. When we ramp up or down in temperature we have to do it at a certain rate. We had one employee who was always cutting the time short because he couldn't figure out the correct amount of time on an analog clock.
Over the weekend I sold some instruments to a music store. The young lady who wrote the check came out of the office and said, "I wrote out the amount on this line, is that ok?" I looked at it and it was done exactly the way it should have been done; it was perfect. And, I told her so in front of her manager.


ATF. I use all three.
Staff member
Over the weekend I sold some instruments to a music store. The young lady who wrote the check came out of the office and said, "I wrote out the amount on this line, is that ok?" I looked at it and it was done exactly the way it should have been done; it was perfect. And, I told her so in front of her manager.
I gotta admit, I write so few checks nowadays that I sometimes have to stop and think about where everything goes.
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