Badger & Blade

Balm vs. Splash vs. Witch Hazel Printable version

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What is it?

Balm vs. Splash

The aftershave is used after the shave to protect the skin. Please consult the previous article for more information. The question of what should I use is often repeated on the forum[1] [2] [3]. This article will hopefully answer this question.

Definition of Aftershave Balm

The Aftershave Balm is sometimes referred to as Aftershave Cream, Aftershave Milk or Aftershave Skin Conditioner. Generally it does not contain alcohol but sometimes it does. Most wetshavers use it because they usually contain oils and moisturizers to sooth and hydrate. The product is usually opaque. [4]

Definition of Aftershave Splash

The Aftershave splash is sometimes referred to as Aftershave lotion (but not always). Generally, it contains alcohol but not always. Most wetshavers use it for its astringent and antiseptic properties. The product will generally be transparent (see-through). [4]

Definition of Witch Hazel

This product is already defined in the B&B Wiki article Witch Hazel. It is often referred to as a post-shave product or an aftershave. Some aftershaves contain Witch Hazel and some don't. Some wetshavers like it by itself, and some don't[5][6] [7] [8]. Witch Hazel is used for the antiseptic qualities, it could be by itself or if a manufacturer already used it in the ingredient list[9]. Usually, Witch Hazel on it's own is very cheap and easy to obtain at most pharmacy (and now large grocery stores).

One versus the other

Some wetshavers would combine the products (use a balm and/or splash and/or witch hazel) and others would only use one. There's no rule on this or proper order to use those products. Which product is better? Well, you got to try them as your skin type and preferences (scent, effect) will influence what you would reach for when buying aftershave. The three products won't work the exact same way. Some will have better moisturizing properties, others would help preventing skin irritation better, better toner, etc.[10]

Is cost a good reference?

Regardless of which product you pick, consult the Aftershave Reviews before buying something or ask some questions on the forum. Like anything, a high priced product isn't automatically the best. There are budget (cheap) aftershaves out there that are excellent (opposite is also true). Finding what works best for you can take a little while, don't give up!

What about the other stuff?

You probably heard of Aftershave Gel and something called "Skin Food". Both products are aftershave products but their consistency is different. They are not exactly a balm or a splash but more of an hybrid living between them...