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"You have SO many razor blades!"

So - finally - a comment from my wife.

She made the exclamation this morning and said that I probably have ebough razor blades to last me "about 150 years".

And, sadly, she's close.

Even more sadly, what she can see is only about 20% of the story...
I hide some of my blades in a little cardboard box on top of the bathroom cabinet (where she can't reach). Of course, I always volunteer when it's time to clean the bathroom. :lol:
Just tell her that you're the MAN of the house, and you'll buy as many razor blades as you please! Then enjoy some alone time on the sofa for the next few nights.
If I shave with nothing but injectors for the rest of my life, I might run out of blades before I die, if I make a rather conservative estimate of the number of shaves per blade.

Add in my SE blades, and I almost certainly won't live long enough to use up both those and the injectors.

And then there's all my DE blades and cartridges. I should live so long! In about twenty years I ought to start PIFing some of the ones that I'll clearly never use.
SWMBO thought I had too many razors at 28.
Thankfully, she has not counted my blades which is around 900.
I tell my wife..it's like Costco...why go to Safeway and buy three cans of green beans when you can go to Costco and get 12 cans for the same price.
Hmm....I was just about to hit up some vendors for more blades......u wanna hide some at my house? Ill keep a real close eye on them and promise that no matter how much the girlfriend complains Ill never never never send them back. U can count on me!
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