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Yet another soap melting question

A while back I had tried making some Van Der Spice (melting vdh and adding old spice aftershave) and after the soap was melted I added a bout 1/3 a bottle of old spice classic AS to it. When added, the scent was strong as ever. After cooling, the scent was dead. The soap was too hot to have the AS added.

I have heard people having luck melting Ogallala Bay Rum soap. if I melt it, do I risk losing the scent? I've been using nana junes bay run in an old spice mug, the puck fit perfectly, but I've used it up and need a replacement. I really want to try Ogallala Bay Rum and melt it into the cup but I dont want the scent to die or be weaker.

Scents generally die or get weak when heat is applied to them. I would suggest using short bursts of heat in the microwave and stirring a lot.

EDIT: That suggestion actually came from Colleen over at The Gentlemen's Quarter.
I have 2 pucks of Ogallala soaps (BR & Sandalwood, BR Limes & Peppercorns) and melted both into little rubbermaid bowls. Trust me, the scent is still as strong as ever. The pucks actually came with instructions for melting.
I double-boil my soaps (soap goes in pyrex measuring cup, cup goes in boiling water) and have never had a problem with scent loss. You can try this if you're really worried about it.

Even if something does happen, you'll have sacrificed $5 in the Pursuit and Acquisition of Knowledge! Cheap for the price!
Melting for Van Der Spice I think is okay, just gotta wait until the stuff starts to cool to add the spice.

FWIW I've never used Ogallala, but for the most part, I won't melt soaps to make them fit into a container; I grate them.
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