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Yes, package from italianbarber!

My first good size order. I started shopping for an inexpensive razor for a buddy and I just kept adding until I crossed the $60 barrier for free shipping. And the wife was out of town when it arrived and none the wiser. Trying to get pics down to my computer but I got: RazoRock Classic TTO, Cella 150g tub, RazoRock Classic CreamSoap, Tabac Original Stick, Palmolive Stick, TOBS Jermyn Street tube. Woo!, now I want to go shave.
Cella and RazoRock classic smell kinda similar, I think that's a good thing though I love it. Can wait to find out which performs better. Tabac smells like some kind of furnature polish my grandmother used?? I just cant quite place the scent but it reminds me of her house. Its not associated with my grandfather though as he wasn't around. Odd the scent associations we make. the Palmolive is like....hmm, not sure I'll keep this one, I love the size for travel though. And finally the TOBS in the tube, I cant get a sense of the scent out of this thing, I think I'll have to shave with this one first.
From my experience, and from what I've read about the others, you are in for treat. Enjoy, even your grandmother's furniture polish.


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funny, i was on IB earlier trying to get up to $60...it was not difficult. :drool:

congrats on your first full sized order, i'im sure it won't be the last.

ps. The classic is even better then the Cella if you ask me :001_cool:
I received two different orders from ItalianBarber this week - both over the $60 shreshold. It has been a very exciting week trying out new products.

My wife has now put her foot down and said this isn't saving us any money so Stop Ordering Stuff Now!

Unfortunatly I wont get to try the RazoRock razor. I bought it for a friend to celebrate his first real job (career) out of college. I thought he might be turned off at first by a "used razor". So I kept the '66 Gilette SS I originally got for him and I got to fill my cart with $35 worth of other stuff. Everyone wins!
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