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I don't mean to be a nitpicker. Or to cause any concerns toward any one. But to day I just saw "OUCH" new avatar! What on earth happened to OUCH? He has always been one of my heroes on B&B!! I for one always looked up to him, and would pay close attention to his words of wisdom. But now I can't get the little girl cartoon out of my mind !!!!!!..................JR
I don't mean to be a nitpicker. Or to cause any concerns toward any one. But to day I just saw "OUCH" new avatar! What on earth happened to OUCH? He has always been one of my heroes on B&B!! I for one always looked up to him, and would pay close attention to his words of wisdom. But now I can't get the little girl cartoon out of my mind !!!!!!..................JR

I have a feeling you're about to realize the meaning behind the name "Ouch".



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
You left out Jim and Scotto Get a Haircut.

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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Senate hearings on avatar/custom title abuse, Oct. 2013

Dianne Feintstein (D-CA): Mr. Ouch, isn't it true that you changed Fine Wine's custom title?

Ouch: That's a complete falsehood.

Al Franken (D-MN): So, Mr. Ouch, am I to understand it is your contention that you did not, in fact, change Mr. Fine Wine's custom title?

Ouch: You wanna believe, believe. No believe, no believe.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Mr. Ouch, aren't you physically able to alter members' custom titles?

Ouch: I categorically and emphatically deny that, sir. I have never at any time possessed the ability to change custom titles. I find these charges to be insulting and beneath the dignity of this institution. Moreover, I would like to add that no proof linking me to any criminal conspiracy regarding the changing of custom titles has ever been made public. I have not taken refuge behind the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] amendment as it was my right to do. I challenge this committee to produce any witness or evidence against me in this matter. And if they do not -- I hope they will have the decency to clear my name with the same publicity with which they have now besmirched it.

Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT): How about avatars? Do you have the ability to change avatars?

Ouch: No comment.
OUCH you have to admit,...........The cartoon girl does make you look like a , you know. A sissy. And not that rough and tumble guy with the mean face! I'm not calling you a sissy, it just makes you look like one. There that should improve things..............JR
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