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Would you want your dreams to be recorded so you could watch them?

Ok, this is a weird question, but would you like to have your dreams recorded so you can play them back and watch them?
Last night I had a horrible night's sleep. Sick kids kept me up most of the night.
When I did get to sleep, I had this bizzare dream.

I was at this very nice country cottage, but it was huge inside. Kind of tardis like, looks small on the outside, but huge on the inside. My friend was there (who lives elsewhere and I haven't seen for a few years). He was hosting a get together of sorts and all these people were there. His mom was there too, she passed away a year or so ago. More and more people kept coming in but it wasn't a crazy party it was quite reserved.

Then there was a commotion and a big truck outside. For some reason we had to go up hill to a semi truck that was selling food and there was some mud and...I can't remember the rest and there are some odd details I'm leaving out on purpose, but know that it was weird all the way through. It may not sound it, but believe me, it really was. Very vivid too. That kind of creeped me out.

So, I really would like now to have that replay back so I could watch it. It seemed kind of interesting at the time albeit weird.

In the shower I was thinking if there was a device out there that could capture the dreams (yes there is a movie about this that I can't remember the name of) would I want to use it.

Would me dreams scare me?? Would my dreams reveal some weird secret about me?

What do you guys think? Would you use such a device?
I got to see my dreams in vivid detail when I quit cigarettes using Chantix . . . No Sir, I Don't Like It!

I don't think your conscious mind is supposed to see what the unconscious mind is doing inside there . . . sort of like kissing your sister or the making of sausage . . . it is something that should not be watched by anyone.


Needs milk and a bidet!
well i dont see the difference in remembering your dreams vs being able to watch them the next day. Some of my dreams I remember every detail so if i could watch them the next day why would I want to? I'm not sure i'd want anyone else watching my dreams though. unless it was a really funny one. Like the one I had a long time ago where the city was in a riot and everyone had Nerf guns instead of real guns. and me and my friends were running around the whole city trying to find all the Nerf guns and those flying darts they shoot.
Not really, my last dream that I remember was I was in a car with my dad who was also Arnold Swarchenegger but still my dad, and we were talking about the grass on the side of the road while I did a **** poor job shaving off half of my beard, just the right half.... I could only imagine what else my mind decided to do up.
Sometimes yes. I have no musical talent but I vivdly remember making some awsome sounding muisc that I would love to hear again.
No way. Most of my dreams resemble something that Samuel Barclay Beckett wadded up and threw away during the first draft.
Hell yeah, my dreams are awesome. Much better than most movies.
Sadly they are usually full of plot holes. The dreaming mind has a remarkable capacity for circumventing logic and creating completely meaningless scenarios. Yet they feel like they make sense at the time.
But once in a while dreams are more realistic. I've had a few that would make a great basis for TV episodes.
One thing is recording and -watching- dreams, the other is -feeling- again everything you felt when you had them.
Actually, dreams are characterized by very low quantity of "outer wrapping" - the events that actually happen in the dream and are "watchable" (and re-watchable), and extra-rich emotional content which is non-"watchable" and sometimes has nothing to do with what happens (the "outer wrapping"). So, exactly for this reason just watching the dream won't make you feel everything you felt when you had the dream. And the more complicated and richer the dream is, the bigger is this gap. This is the reason why you do not feel the same when you're remembering the dream - you could remember every small detail, but still get nowhere near what the dream was when you dreamt it.
I just started Chantix today and have been thinking about how it may effect my dreams. I find myself in a constant state of sleep debt and have not remembered a dream in a long time. Before marriage and children I had lucid dreams and remember having much fun in them.

With that said, I think that I would like to use such a machine to see how crazy my sub conscience turley is.
I suppose it wouldnt matter as long as no one judged me based on them. Dreams can be harmless, or they can be a bit more than harmless. And if you have someone who believes a lot in dream analysis that machine could ruin relationships in a heart beat. Cool? Definantly. But would I want one in my home? Absolutely not, I need some form of privacy where I can act out crazy thoughts.
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