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Witch Hazel Differences Scented/Unscented?

I tried the T.N. Dickinson witch hazel and it stunk so bad I couldn't stand it. I am currently using Thayer's unscented with Aloe Vera. Does any one notice a difference by using the standard witch hazel opposed to the unscented. It seems as if the unscented is like water and not sure if it gives any affect. What should I be noticing when using witch hazel? Thanks for the input.
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I would be interested to know this as well. I use the T.N. Dickinson and it smells horrible, but at least the smell dissipates quickly.
One of the members here said it's still available, but it is mostly just Witch Hazel, with a very mild scent of some kind. The natural smell of the plant isn't THAT off-putting, really!
I use the Thayer Rose Petal Witch Hazel formula with Aloe Vera after every shave and before any after-shave. It seems to sooth any minor razor burn and over several weeks' use has smoothed out the skin on my neck, which was prone to irritation from multiple passes with a cartridge razor. I'm not sure how much of this is due to the witch hazel and how much is an adaptation to a double edge razor, but it takes some time to notice the effect. There certainly is no alcohol burn or menthol blast when it's applied, but it seems like a worthwhile step.
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