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Will corrosion on my case affect the Razor?

Hey guys, had trouble finding an answer to this. Should I be worried about corrosion outside the case affecting the Razor? I sent it out for a replate, and not sure if sitting in it over the next few decades will comprise it.
Hey guys, had trouble finding an answer to this. Should I be worried about corrosion outside the case affecting the Razor? I sent it out for a replate, and not sure if sitting in it over the next few decades will comprise it.
Don't see how corrosion outside the case could affect the razor inside the case.
Corrosion is not contagious, as long as your razor is clean and dry it can sit on it as long as forever, although as with any razor, if you plan on storing it or putting it away for a long time make sure is a dry place, some people who live in very humid places even go as far as coating the razor with o bit of oil if not using it for a while, even if is stainless.
Oh, no! Keep em separate. In fact, you keep the case. Wrap the razor in two red wool socks, size large. Mail it off to moi for safekeeping for a decade or two.


If the corrosion developed before you acquired the case it would indicate the type of environment it had been stored in by a previous owner. Going forward, corrosion would be dependent on its current storage environment and any preventive measures taken to protect it.
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