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wilkinson strops?

I have gathered together a wilkinson empire set, one of the dunhill-retailed 7-day sets, and a third 7-day set of later production, and I only have one strop (from the dunhill set) and it's become a bit cracked and brittle.

Does anyone know if there's a suitable strop replacement (preferably new) that would fit these? Would an old-but-serviceable strop from an auto-strop razor work as well? My guess is that the thickness and width of the leather is going to be a pretty big factor in suitability, but I have no experience to back that up.

Also, while I understand that the blades that came in the empire set were meant to be stropped until they could no longer hold an edge and then be discarded. With the 7-day sets, is honing an option? Could one of the B&B resident honemeisters accomplish the goal?

Many thanks in advance,
-- Chet
I have the same question about honing...but I do have several of the Wilkinson 7-day sets and a Valet strop seems to work fine, either the rubber or leather one. They are a little thinner but that does not seem to matter. I managed to rip off the part of the Wilk stop you hold on to one day, it caught going through the metal slot and the end of the stop gave first. :mad3:Wish I had tried the Autostrop strop first.
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