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Wild hairs.

Good God, man! Never trim those hairs!

The reasoning I use is that it's not one hair. It's a different one every time. If you cut every one that sticks out, pretty soon you won't have any left.

Seriously, though, leave 'em be. They don't hurt anything. =D
If you ever trim a hair, trim it at the handle. Trimming a knot to shape is a sure way to make a knot quickly start feeling quite unpleasant.


Rest in Peace
After using and rinsing, drop it into a toilet paper tube and leave it there until it's completely dry. Then lift the tube up and off.
It "molds" those wild hairs up against the main loft.
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One of my brushes had a single hair that was darker and stiffer than all the rest. It may not of mattered, but every time I used it, I thought I felt it. I trimmed down that single hair as low as I could easily reach and I'm no longer bothered by it.

I certainly would not try to trim down very many of them though.
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