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Wife is on a meat kick so I came up with a simple pemmican recipe. Not bad and shelf life = years.

The whole red meat is bad fat is bad idiocy at least many eating this way are proving them wrong and studies are coming out we have been lied to about the fat etc... :)
same with convincing people they need meds for life and have the companies make studies that show their lies/angle and then push that out as truth

Ancel Keys was one of the worst when you follow the lies and where the money came from and the lies that he told stuff he left out etc...

sounds like a awesome way of eating ya got going :)
My wife told me about Keys. There are millions of deaths a year from his influence.
My wife told me about Keys. There are millions of deaths a year from his influence.
YUP and some are still pushing his junk as truth

Not sure if you ever watched any stuff from Nina Teicholz
very good info on some of her talks

good one of many :)
she does talk about him in this one (and many others)
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