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Can all of you please tell me why there are no Ralph Lauren Safari Shaving Soap reviews? This stuff pops up on here all the time. Apparently people like it because it sells like no one's business, but no one has posted about it. I ordered my first puck today so if nothing else I will put up the first review when I get it.

Before I wound up buying out a warehouse and did a couple big sales here, I had only even seen it mentioned maybe three times before (People selling a handful of pucks in BST).

I imagine reviews will probably come in sometime soon. It's not even been a month since I started shipping the first pucks out. And there are a LOT of them out there now.
Well save a couple for me in case I like the one I got. Should be here next week so I will let you know :wink2:
Although the soap may have been around for awhile, I think it only really came to anyone's notice last year when it was discovered as being one that still contained tallow. I haven't tried it myself, but would certainly welcome a review from someone who has.
I will take care of it next week when I get mine. I think it was sent out on Friday, so I should have a good grasp on it by next weekend.
Yeah, I shoulda posted a review of this as I've had some for a while. Sigh.

I love the scent of RL Safari. The cologne is also quite nice and I wear it occasionally. I think the soap is a good performer, close to, but not quite up there with my reference soaps Harris and Trumper.

I wasn't following the group buy discussed in this thread but this stuff is available on the Bay and I think $20 for a puck is just a bit too spendy for what you are getting. But if you are into buying NOS tallow products $20 is cheap (cough cough Old Spice cough cough Yardley) and this stuff still has scent!

This isn't too big a deal but I have found this soap "sweats" a bit. I'm not sure if it's glycerin leaching out, scent oils leaching out or what. When I first got my NOS puck the wrapper around the soap had oily stains on it. I figured it was perfume oils that transferred to the paper over time. It's in a plastic tub and sometimes when I pull it out it has little beads of some kind of liquid. I've never had any other soaps do this. It is harmelss. After a year the soap still smells great and performs well.
I wasn't following the group buy discussed in this thread but this stuff is available on the Bay and I think $20 for a puck is just a bit too spendy for what you are getting. But if you are into buying NOS tallow products $20 is cheap (cough cough Old Spice cough cough Yardley) and this stuff still has scent!
Yeah, "group buy" (wasn't actually a group buy, just a bunch of pucks sold at cost) wasn't much cheaper. I was paying $5 to ship even single pucks which killed it. I've got good envelopes for parcel ($2-3) shipping now, but once you tack on ebay's fees (Set price sales on eBay are a joke, they take like 15% between them and Paypal, maybe more) and the buck or so profit I'm taking there, it's pretty bad. I'll do another round of shipping here in another week or so assuming I have the time (dealing with job search, a massive PITA lease I'm stuck in that makes subletting a nightmare and a bunch of other stuff at the moment). I'm figuring ~$14 for single's, $25 for doubles. $5 + $11 times the # for 3-6. I think I've got to the tune of 60 envelopes left, when they run out I'll call it quits and just keep the remainder for myself and maybe toss one or two up when I'm selling other stuff on BST. This is all tentative at the moment though. And I DEFINITELY won't be doing it until I've gotten some return address labels. Hand writing my address 200+ times was irritating.
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