In various conversations with people, I have mentioned now shaving with a double edge razor/blade, and I have found very few people, even older ones like myself, who recognize that term. I then try to explain it as being a "safety razor" and no luck there. Finally, I have to describe it and sometimes I get a glimmer of recognition like "Oh yeah, like my grandfather used to have". Most people think a "double edge" razor is a cartridge razor with two blades, such as Trac II or Atra or Sensor. After a while, I just change the subject rather than trying to explain further and having them think I'm some sort of nut or something.
Has it really been that long since DE's were used that people have completely forgotten? I remembered it and sought them out when I got tired of lining Gillette's pockets for Mach 3 overpriced stuff.
What has been your experience? Does anyone else recognize the terms double edge razor or safety razor?
Has it really been that long since DE's were used that people have completely forgotten? I remembered it and sought them out when I got tired of lining Gillette's pockets for Mach 3 overpriced stuff.
What has been your experience? Does anyone else recognize the terms double edge razor or safety razor?