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Where do you put your hat while dining out?

I only put my hats down in very trusted places, so manners have to take a back-seat in many cases. TBH, so few people know anything about hat ettiquete nowadays it usually doesn't matter and in a pub or cafe, no-one cares- in fact, they usually think its cool if they like hats and if they don't like hats, I couldn't care less what they think. In a nice restaraunt its different as they usually can accomodate you. If I'm at a play or something there's always a cloakroom you can trust. Nightclub? Most bouncers in Glasgow refuse entry to anyone who looks even vaguely intelligent and/or stylish and I wouldn't even consider going to one hatted unless it was a jazz night.
I tend to improvise. With what some of my hats cost, they're not going to hang on a hook in the front of the restaurant. This ain't the 40's when every man wore a hat and there was likely an unwritten law you just don't take another man's hat.

Usually keep it with me at the table, often on an unused chair, back of booth, etc.
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