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What's your workout today?

Finally back training again. Just strength for now, until I get this training in a global gym thing figured out.

Squats big post vacation reset to 315lbx5

I'm not sure what's annoying me more. Lifting in lbs or the mirrors everywhere in the gym.
Press post vacation reset to 95 lbs x 5

Deadlifts to 385 lbs x5

Flight Simulator

And a lecture from the GoodLife staff about putting the bar down too loudly. Somehow I'm going to have to learn how to put the bar down softly.
Weighted pullups to 35 lb x5 (well that was the plan anyhow)


It's been a year since I've done them so I did a really big weight drop, apparently not enough. I'm going to blame those silly padded pullup bars they have. Ya, that's it.

4 OHL (45 lbs)
8 pushups
12 v-ups
Squats to 320 lb x5

Way too much weekend this weekend for me to even consider doing a workout.
Deadlits to 385 lbs x5

First time putting the bar down at Good Life gentleness. Holy, what a waste of energy! A simple 385x5 and I feel like I did Fran
Squats to 325 lbs x5

400 double unders

Well that was slow. It's been a while since double unders were that bad
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