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What's Your Breakfast?


Not made for these times.
Strip steak, scrambled eggs and tomato slices. Now I just need some Badia Habanero sauce to top it off.


Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Last night Mrs. Hippie suggested that waffles would be congenially appreciated this morning. I suspect she was moved in that direction by the jar of sourdough discard in the fridge. I was kinda thinking I'd turn it into crumpets, but waffles were a friendly amendment. I always have more discard around.

I have a simple recipe for sourdough waffles, so out came the Griswold American #8 waffle iron. Double batch; got some left over; I'll be doing chicken and waffles pretty soon.


Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
It’s rare that I cook before leaving the house.

It's been a few years but when I picked up an "early" morning class I often had to kind of ease the students gently into the day. I once asked who made breakfast before coming to campus. Nearly all the men in the class raised their hands; none of the women. "Explain that to me," I said.

The men's responses ranged from "No girls around to cook for me" (which got booed by the women) to "How hard is it to make a fried egg sandwich and a cup of coffee?" (which got that guy noticed by all the women who said they'd like to have breakfast with him...)

The women's responses boiled down to "I work the late shift and need my sleep" and a couple said, "Makeup" (which caused some eye-rolling among both women and men).

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