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What's WWND mean?

I get the Ws and the Ds, but what of the voiced alveolar nasal (n)? Who or what proper noun is this referring to? (Assuming it refers to a proper noun). Yeah, I have a linguistics test in 5 days. I'm practicing with you guys, cause you seem to be down with ancient languages and gradual change over many years and generations. You guys are using straight razors in the age of Twitter.

On a completly unrelated note, I think we should all get together and learn this language:


We've ressurected straight shaving. I think we could do this. It has clicks, it's so cool.

We could at least learn some phrases and make a B & B meme out of them.


Left to the user's imagination. Obviously a reference to the "What Would Jesus Do?" wristbands popular with some population segments in the USA. Some reports indicate that the title means "What would Nick do?", as Nick is a founding member of B&B.

The official B&B answer about WWND? is this: "From time immemorial, from the very bowels of the primordial soup of B&B, this phrase has sprung from the lips in times of great strife and turmoil: WWND?"[1]


Left to the user's imagination. Obviously a reference to the "What Would Jesus Do?" wristbands popular with some population segments in the USA. Some reports indicate that the title means "What would Nick do?", as Nick is a founding member of B&B.

The official B&B answer about WWND? is this: "From time immemorial, from the very bowels of the primordial soup of B&B, this phrase has sprung from the lips in times of great strife and turmoil: WWND?"[1]

I have a pretty good idea, but I'm not saying. It'll probably come out in time.
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