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What was the first shaving soap you ever used? And what was your first "fancy" soap?

Just curious.

The first shaving soap I ever tried was VDH Deluxe. I picked it up at WalMart because it was cheap. I didn't expect it to be worth a darn, but was pleasantly surprised.

The first "fancy" soap (read: soap I couldn't buy at WalMart/RiteAid,etc) I bought was a sample of The Gentleman's Quarter Savon de Campagne. Really nice.

The first full-sized soap I bought was Mama Bear's Spicey Lime.

I think I did pretty well on all three counts.:thumbup1: How about you? What were your firsts, and how did you do?
My first was williams i could always get a good lather from it my first high end soap was MWF or Tabac i dont remeber wich one i got first. To me a soap is a soap it comes down to sents.
First soap was the Penhaligons EF in the wooden bowl (Tallow). Such a wonderful slick shave a clean crisp scent.
First: Vergulde Hand,
first fancy: Crabtree & Evelyn sandalwood in wooden bowl (that was in my yuppie days, 30 years ago)
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First: Burts Bees Bay Rum. Great scent, crappy performance.
First 'fancy' soap: Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad
First: Williams (oh so long ago)
First soap I ordered after learning about DE razors: QED Grapefruit & Peppermint
My first was Taylor of Old Bond Street Lavender soap...I actually still have some of it left, and absolutely love it. It was a good one to start out on!
My first was what my father had in his mug, and I have no idea what it was, probably a mish mash of Williams and bar soap.

I'm sure the first I bought was either Williams or Colgate. I used both of them for years.

The first "fancy" soap was C&E Sandalwood.
First soap was VDH glycerin

First High end soap: not sure which I used first but I got a Mystery box from Jim that contained a lot of fine soaps, Harris, Trumpers, AOS, Valobra, ect.......... what a way to jump in head first.
1st SS - Proraso in the green tub. I got it because I really like the Bigelow cream made by Proraso. Made a super lather with both and gave myself a rash on my neck that lasted a week.

1st Fancy SS - D.R. Harris Lavender, love the scent. Used it this morning.
My first soap was Tabac. Learned how to lather soaps with it, couldnt get it at first :lol:

First high end was MWF. Maybe the Moos, but thats more in the Tabac realm.
My first was my brother's Van Der Hagen. The first fancy soap I used was Tabac. I'm getting all nostalgic just thinking about it; there's something about that Tabac which is very endearing.
Very first was Old Spice. I shave exclusively with this for about 3 decades.

First high-end was PdP.

I am not sure I would have ever found B&B if Old Spice was still readily available in any corner drugstore.
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My first shaving soap was a Speick Stick. Really nice scent. But I didn't get good lather at first. Now the lather I get is much better. I consider Speick as one of the best soaps. I like it allot. Top 3 for sure.

The fanciest soap I got was Tabac. Didn't try the English soaps. Yet. And won't for a good period of time.
I used Williams for three years before deciding to try new things. The first really fancy soap I tried was AOS.
Colgate in the Iconic Red and White box because that what my Grandpa's both used along with Williams. At the Time the late 1970's Colgate was a nickle a box cheaper.
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