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What Pets Have You Got?

I have a maltese dog named Hugo, a canary called Mr. Canary, and a tortoise that I smuggled in from a trip to Spain last year, called Pedro. :biggrin: :smile:
Ashe said:
2 dogs, beautiful white female Golden Retrievers.

I used to have a bunch of other animals in the past, piranha's, rabbits, 3 dogs at a time, birds etc but now I wanted to have some "rest" at home. ;)

I too have a Golden, but don't know that I've seen a "white" GR--do you have pix?
one male betta red and blue and his name is Tululu, don't ask!! my wife named him, I have no idea what that name came from.
I have a 91# male, yellow lab, Service Dog. My grandson named him Scooby. He is 4 1/2. His best trick is to pick up a dime off of a hard floor and put it in my hand. When I told that to an out-of-state friend who owns a chocolate lab, he replied, " that's nothing, Bo can make change "
I have an Albanian hunting dog named Cobweb.

She looks like a small lab but with short white hair and black speckles, like a Dalmatian but less speckles. They're an old hunting breed in Albania but she's terrified of guns since she went through the civil uprising there in 1997. I got her when I was in the Peace Corps there, she was a gift, and quite a special one I found out. They are very sought after dogs in Albania, and come from one small area of that very small country. She's a good dog.
We have two basset hounds.

This is Melvin. He is a 10 year old male. He came from the North Texas Basset Rescue Association. An excellent watchdog with excellent hearing!


And this is Flora. She is a 1 year old female which also came from North Texas Basset Rescue. She loves to lap up the remaining drops of Shiner Bock beer from the bottle after I pour a cold one!


Plano, Texas
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I tolerate my wife's two obese cats. One of them is so clumsy, she falls down the stairs at least once a month. It is truly pathetic.
Here's my boy, Cassius:

On a flight home from training

New Orleans


Asleep on a an overnight train with my wife as a puppy
mrob said:
I too have a Golden, but don't know that I've seen a "white" GR--do you have pix?

One more with the ever popular Golden Retriever. Her name is Boogie, she likes to dance. My dad had a pair or white goldens that were just gorgeous. Their hair is a cream color very near white when they are puppies. The coat yellows a bit as they grow but they remain much lighter than the standard goldens. If you have pics by all means let's see them. Actually that's not a bad idea for all of us, let's see them men! Here is mine, still trying to figure out how to resize so bear with me.

Yeah, that didn't work. There was a thread awhile back on how to resize, can somebody please point me in the right direction?
mrob said:
I too have a Golden, but don't know that I've seen a "white" GR--do you have pix?
I normally should have some pics at home. I'll try to find them and upload them once I get home.

I concur with the proposal to start including photos!

look at my avatar, but this two aren't my own, that are the dogs of my sweetie:

Collie "Sheila", 9 years old and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Toller) "Autumn Angy of Great Pleasure, short: "Angy", 5 years old.

Two absolute great dogs...:wink: :wink:

fret said:
3 eight year-old cats, one of which I've had for 26 years.

The above is 'true,' and made me a believer in reincarnation.
Cat #1: Big Guy--tuxedo cat with 4 white socks lived 18 years. It took 3 kittens to replace him.
Cat #2: Cinnamon Girl--now 8. The obvious color, tiny, smart, and fiesty.
Cat #3: Keith--also 8. Red and light brown tabby named after a dead R&R piano player with red hair. Gigantic solid cat who is truly a big guy.
Cat #4: Libby--8. Arrived two weeks after K and C. She is a solid black spittin' image of Big Guy with the same taste for spagetti sauce, Pringles, glazed donuts, etc. She purrs clear through Workingman's Dead just like Big Guy did. Same bone structure. I am convinced he booted the soul out of this little black kitten and came back to us (therefore 26 y/o). Libby doesn't like to talk about it, though.
fret said:
Cat #4: Libby--8. Arrived two weeks after K and C. She is a solid black spittin' image of Big Guy with the same taste for spagetti sauce, Pringles, glazed donuts, etc. She purrs clear through Workingman's Dead just like Big Guy did. Same bone structure. I am convinced he booted the soul out of this little black kitten and came back to us (therefore 26 y/o). Libby doesn't like to talk about it, though.

Aaaaaah, thank you.. That explains a LOT! :001_rolle
Richard! Those 2 dogs are sooooooo cute, my God! My sister-in-law has a 3 month old Basset puppy, and whenever we go over to visit, the little thing comes over to me, and when I lie down on the couch, I pick her up so she can sleep on top of me!

We had a beautiful Sheltie when I was growing up. I'd love to get another, but alas I live in a high-rise apartment and thus no dogs allowed.

I'm allowed cats (up to 2) but at a $300 deposit and a monthly $30 pet rent... they are too expensive, though I wouldn't mind having one if it weren't for the rent increase.
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