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What percentage of blades work for you?

Sorry if the title is awkward.

Trying to get a feel for just exactly how YMMV blades are. For you, is it the kinda thing where there are just one or two blades that work WELL for you and all other blades give you a BAD shave, or it is the kinda thing where one or two blades DON'T work well, and most other blades give you a GOOD shave.

The former can only use a few blades to get a GOOD shave, the latter can only use few blades to get a BAD shave.

For those of you that have tried a lot of blades, where do you fall with this?
For those of you that have tried a lot of blades, where do you fall with this?

I have tried more than a couple dozen different blades, and it's rare that I find a blade I just can't use. I don't understand why, but the Vietnamese Gillette Thins were just bad bad bad, and I tried over and over (the better part of 2 5-packs) and could just not get any to work for me. I sold the bulk of them to someone else. Some guys just love 'em, but they do not work for me. In general, I'm able to make do with just about anything, but for me it's much more simple and easy to identify the ones that just won't work no matter what.
Hope it helps.
-- Chet
As my technique and prep improved- I have found that almost every blade will work, but I do prefer some blades to others.
most all of them have worked for me. I think the 'YMMV' thing is a little bit overhyped.
Now I can tell that the premium blades like Feather and Gillette Yellow are sharper than most.
But I've gotten good shaves from: derby, astra ,sharks (ss and chrome) ,walmart wilkies, personna (red, lab, crystal, drugstore) and could live with any of them.
Most every blade I have used works for me. One exception , Bluebirds work well in my Merkur , but if I use one in a superspeed , I get a very uncomfortable shave. I do also find that I have to get acustomed to a blade in order for it to work at it's best. In other words , after using it 2 or 3 times , I get more comfortable with a blade. I am not one to use a different type blade for each shave. I stick with one brand until it runs out , then onto something different if I choose.
For me, I've found most blades will work if you pair them with the right razor that fits your whisker and skin condition. In saying all that, there are a few blades that I'll never use again. Derby and Timor are two that come to mind at the moment.

The most consistent blades across the board (for me) have been the Red IPs and Personna Labs. I can put those blades in just about any razor and get a fantastic shave. The only exception is this gold Gillette fat-handled Tech. This razor is so mild that I use Feathers in it.
I get my best shaves from sharper blades like Feathers Astra SP and Gillette Yellows and I can get a decent shave with milder blades. So far I've found only 2 blades which I cant use Derbies, which fir some reason only reduced my beard down to a 5 o'clock shadow and left me with some irritation after 3 passes, and Polisilvers which really tore up my face
I have never met a blade that I didn't like. The only difference I have found is that some are only good for 2-3 shaves and others consistently give me 5-7 shaves.
I have tried about 20 different types of blades (actually more, but let's say 20). Out of those, I could get good shaves out of all except for Derby..... and maybe Lord, and Sharp, and some blade from Walmart, and Dorko, so 5/20. Ten of the other 15, including Feather, Med Preps, Merkur, Sputnik etc are fine blades that I will gladly shave with, but prefer others. The top 5 for performance I buy in bulk and could see myself using any one exclusively. Right now Astra SP, Red Personna, German Wilki, and Gillette Platinum have been put on hold while I stick to Green PermaSharps.

So, 25% junk, 50% do the job well, 25% excel.
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