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What number do you use? Gillette Adjustable

I was just curious if there were any Gillette Adjustable fans out there like me and what number do you set your razor on. I used to set mine on 7 or 8 and forget it, but recently I had a bad experience. I unfortunately had been using an electric razor for a while, out of convenience while on vacation. When I went back to my favorite DE I scraped my face off.:mad: My fault I know!!:blushing: My face was no longer use to it and I probably was out of practice a bit. None-the-less, I dialed it down to 5 and got a great non irritating shave a couple days later. I think the adjustable feature is great!:001_smile I'd love to hear about your experiences?
Over time, I've tried just about all the different adjustment schemes out there. Today I just set them to '5' and shave with'em.

-- John Gehman
Depends on the blade and the day. Feathers and other sharp blades will usually get anywhere from a 3 to a 5. Derbys I'll go higher with but it all depends on how well the razor is working for me and how much beard I have to cut.
I always use 5. 3 in a fourth past in my adam's apple area, and its perfect.

I'm only use my Fatboy the Sundays for a Luxurious shave.
I go with 7 for my first (wtg) pass and dial down to 5 for my second (xtg) and third (atg) passes.

Seems to work very well for me.
I start with 3 for my 1st (wtg) pass and dial up to 4 for my 2nd and 3rd (xtg) pass and then up again to 5 for the final (atg) pass. Hot rinsing and re-lathering between passes.
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